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Health topics
… birth control and other medicines. Laparoscopy to remove growths and scar tissue. This may reduce pain, and it may … and symptoms interfere with daily living. Endometrial growths or scar tissue interferes with other organs in the … endometriosis. It is used to look for and possibly remove growths and scar tissue. It can help relieve pain and can …
Health topics
… emotional and physical wellbeing will help you and your baby. Learn more about your health during pregnancy in this … It can be hard to know if a medicine is safe for your baby. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any … These tests can provide insight into the health of your baby. They are a good way to make sure you are healthy, too. …
Medical tests
… test can be done at any age. It may be done as soon as your baby is 10 days old, but it is often done when a baby is 2 to 4 weeks of age. Your child may need more than … to help diagnose cystic fibrosis. It is often done after a baby tests positive for cystic fibrosis on a newborn …
Health topics
… protecting your child from the sun when your child is a baby. Because children spend a lot of time outdoors playing, … protecting your child from the sun when your child is a baby. Because children spend a lot of time outdoors playing, …
Health topics
… first stage labour signs Image Cervix almost fully dilated Baby moves down further into pelvis, putting pressure on … support. Picture your cervix and body opening to let your baby out. Tell someone if you have the urge to push. If you …
Health topics
… lid and placed where your toddler can’t got to it Keep baby powder, talc, cornstarch, diaper pins, and other baby care objects well out of your toddler’s reach Wipe up …
Health topics
… 0.4 mg folic acid. This will lower the chance of having a baby with a birth defect. Keep track of your menstrual … And it can help your doctor or midwife figure out when your baby is due and how it is growing. Make healthy choices. Eat … 0.4 mg folic acid. This will lower the chance of having a baby with a birth defect. Keep track of your menstrual …
Health topics
… footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to push your baby out, you will have help getting out of the tub. Delivering in water A water birth is the delivery of a baby while in a tub or pool of warm water. More research is … footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to push your baby out, you will have help getting out of the tub. …
Medical tests
… sperm. The testicles develop in the belly of an unborn male baby. In most cases they move down into the scrotum before … routine physical examination for every teenage boy and man. Baby boys should also have their genitals checked for … testicle . If you cannot feel both testicles in your baby's scrotum, talk to his doctor. A soft bunch of thin …
Health topics
… may get acne because the stress of birth may cause the baby's body to release hormones. Newborns with acne usually … may get acne because the stress of birth may cause the baby's body to release hormones. Newborns with acne usually …