6123 results found
Health topics
… Antibiotics also kill good bacteria contributing to the growth of dangerous antibiotic-resistant superbugs. If you …
HealthLinkBC files
… Exposing children and youth to nicotine may impact brain development. Emerging research indicates that exposure to nicotine during pregnancy may impact fetal development. How can I prevent exposure to second-hand smoke …
Health topics
… person. A mother who has the virus can pass it to her baby during the birth. If you are pregnant and think you may … to hepatitis B, get tested. If you have the virus, your baby can be given shots to help prevent getting the virus. … get tested for hepatitis B. If you have the virus, your baby can get shots to help prevent infection with the virus. …
Health topics
… learn how to manage personal finances. Growth and Development, Ages 15 to 18 Years Current as of: … learn how to manage personal finances. Growth and Development, Ages 15 to 18 Years Current …
Health topics
… if the placenta can no longer give enough support to the baby. There are several ways to induce labour, such as using … medicine or breaking the amniotic sac. After you have your baby, you should not have any side effects from the medicine … done after your cervix has started to open (dilate) and the baby's head is firmly descended (engaged) in your pelvis. …
Health topics
… second-hand smoke. You are more likely to give birth to a baby who weighs less than expected (low birth weight) if you … materials get wet, they provide an ideal place for the growth of moulds. Allergies to moulds can also make asthma … exposure during infancy as a predictor of potential asthma development. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology , …
HealthLinkBC files
… about vaccine safety. I know that vaccines are safe for my baby. Yes No I know vaccines are so safe that my baby can get more than one vaccine at a time. Yes No I know … on childhood immunization, see: HealthLinkBC File #50a Your Baby’s Immune System and Vaccines HealthLinkBC File #50b The …
HealthLinkBC files
… stroke). Bromocriptine is also used to treat high levels of growth hormone (acromegaly). Bromocriptine is an ergot … brain. It also prevents the release of certain hormones (growth hormone, prolactin). Bromocriptine can lower these … treatment of acromegaly, the dosage is also based on the growth hormone levels. To reduce your risk of side effects, …
Health topics
… people take an active role in managing a health condition. Growth and Development: Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem Dyslexia Growth and Development: Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem …