6125 results found
Health topics
… and other small objects out of reach. And always place your baby to sleep on his or her back. How can your stress level … hospital or fire department. Read and learn about child growth and development. Knowing what to expect can help ease the fear …
Health topics
… Overview Weaning is the process of switching your baby from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding, or from a breast … Information Bottle-Feeding Breast Engorgement Breastfeeding Growth and Development, Ages 1 to 12 Months Growth and Development, …
Health topics
… be wondering how much breastfeeding is enough for your baby. Here are some guidelines that can help. In the first three to four days after birth, your baby may lose some weight. This is normal, as long as your … breastfeeding is well established. When babies go through a growth spurt they may want to nurse more often for a couple …
Health topics
… have different kinds of cries. Crying related to normal development and behaviour Hungry cries. These cries start … is wet or soiled. Colic . All babies cry. But sometimes a baby will cry for hours at a time, no matter what you do. This extreme type of crying in a baby who is between 3 weeks and 3 months of age is called …
Health topics
… your teen navigate the ups and downs of adolescence. Teen growth and development Learn what to expect during your child’s teen …
Health topics
… eyes. It is a sign that there's too much bilirubin in the baby's blood. The word for having too much bilirubin in the … for help. Bilirubin Test Breastfeeding Growth and Development, Newborn Premature (Preterm) Infant Rh …
Health topics
… stage allows you to successfully move from one stage of development to the next. If you don't master the skills, you … Babies Through Adolescents Making the decision to have a baby At some point in your relationship, you and your … your relationship skills. It's also a time for positive growth and creative exploration for your entire family. …
Health topics
… Down syndrome is a genetic condition. It affects a baby's development. Children who have it may share similar features … people take an active role in managing a health condition. Growth and Development: Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem …
Health topics
… of pregnancy that may affect the mother's organs or the baby. Severe pre-eclampsia can lead to dangerous seizures … as it should during pregnancy. This can affect the baby's growth and well-being. Placenta . The blood vessels of the … Moderate to severe pre-eclampsia. Speed up your baby's lung development. When possible, steroid medicine is given to the …
Health topics
… disorder (ASD)? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder. It affects a person's behaviour and … Some things increase the chance that you'll have a baby with ASD. These things are called risk factors. The … size, weight, and height, to see if your child has a normal growth pattern. Your doctor may also look for certain …