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Medical tests
… A pregnant woman who is exposed to lead can pass it to her baby ( fetus ). Lead can also be passed to a baby through the mother's breast milk. Why It Is Done … stick A heel stick is used to get a blood sample from a baby. The baby's heel is poked, and several drops of blood …
Health topics
… head to make it easier to breathe and sleep. Suction your baby's nose if he or she can't breathe well enough to eat or … Start rescue breathing . Call your doctor now if your baby or child has moderate trouble breathing . Call a doctor … more frequent breast- or bottle-feeding. Avoid giving your baby sports drinks, soft drinks, undiluted fruit juice, or …
Health topics
… and teenagers often get Osgood-Schlatter disease during a growth spurt. Certain young athletes, such as runners, … is still growing, but it should stop when your child's growth spurt ends. Osgood-Schlatter disease may leave a … This kind of stress is more likely to happen during a growth spurt, when your child's leg bones are getting …
Health topics
… the lining in your uterus and may cause heavy bleeding. A growth in the uterus, such as a polyp or fibroid . … will check for signs of disease, infection, and abnormal growths. If needed, your doctor may also do one or more … about surgery if medicines don't help or if you have a growth in your uterus. Your choice will depend partly on …
… legs). Tesamorelin works by causing your body to make more growth hormone. This medication should not be used for … must not be used during pregnancy. It may harm an unborn baby. If you become pregnant or think you may be pregnant, … must not be used during pregnancy. It may harm an unborn baby. If you become pregnant or think you may be pregnant, …
Health topics
… prepares to wake up. In the early morning hours, hormones (growth hormone, cortisol , and catecholamines) cause the … drops too low in the early morning hours, hormones (such as growth hormone, cortisol, and catecholamines) are released. … prepares to wake up. In the early morning hours, hormones (growth hormone, cortisol , and catecholamines) cause the …
Health topics
… nurses, and hospital staff who care for you and your baby. Before it's time for you to give birth, ask about the … for: "Rooming in." This policy encourages you to have your baby in the room with you. It can allow you to breastfeed … more often. Supplemental feedings. Tell the staff that your baby is to get only your breast milk from birth. If staff …
Health topics
… you can do to protect your health and the health of your baby. Experts recommend getting the COVID-19 vaccine if you … Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about your baby's risk of infection. If you have COVID-19 or have … Take extra care to avoid passing the infection to your baby. Wear a well-fitting mask. Wear it anytime you hold or …
Health topics
… movements of the tongue. How is tongue-tie treated? If your baby is younger than 1 year of age and has problems with … (frenotomy) to clip the lingual frenulum . If your baby has tongue-tie and is feeding okay, you may choose to … movements of the tongue. How is tongue-tie treated? If your baby is younger than 1 year of age and has problems with …
Health topics
… for short periods throughout the day, such as when your baby sleeps. You may be able to collect and store breast milk so that your partner can feed the baby while you sleep. Because both you and the baby have to learn how to breastfeed, you may want to wait a …