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HealthLinkBC files
… Act explains the legal position of children under 19 years of age. One of the topics covered in the Infants Act … common practice is for parents or guardians of children 12 years of age and younger to give consent for their child to … Files for immunizations given in school will be sent home. Parents or guardians and their children are encouraged …
Health topics
… happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. You may feel … cause you great distress, or interfere with your work or home life, you may have PTSD. Even if you always have some … even positive ones such as getting married, having a baby, or starting a new job, can cause stress and result in …
Health topics
… badly hurt or have a serious illness and can't speak for yourself. Advance care plans also let you appoint somebody … health care decisions for you if you can't make them for yourself. The designated person is called a substitute … your own? Are you okay with living in a hospital or nursing home? Are you okay with being kept alive by machines? Do you …
Health topics
… why you want to eat healthier can help you make changes in your eating habits. And writing down your reasons will be a good reminder later on if you get … them to make them healthier. For example, make pizza at home using low-fat mozzarella cheese and lots of fresh …
Health topics
… without treatment, and then return. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often recognize psoriasis by looking at your skin, scalp, and nails. Special tests usually aren't … Self-Care Most of the time psoriasis can be treated at home. These tips may improve your symptoms or help reduce …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … abnormal heart rhythms. You're expected to live more than 1 year. Your ejection fraction is lower than normal. You have …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … keeping it off. Some people gain weight again after a few years because they don't make these permanent changes. …
Health topics
… problem, but there are things you can do to reduce your symptoms. Your symptoms may be worse or better from day … disrupt your activities, or don't respond as usual to your home treatment. You are more tired than usual. Your symptoms … on and how severe they are, and how you respond to your first treatment. Tests may include a blood test for celiac …
Health topics
… When you get immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots, your allergist or doctor injects small doses of substances … ; moulds; or animal dander for allergy shots. You must first have skin testing to find out which allergen you are … And the dose usually stays the same each month. After 1 year of maintenance, your allergist will check to see if you …
Health topics
… Shigellosis is often found in daycare centres, nursing homes, refugee camps, and other places where conditions are … lab tests are the best way to diagnose shigellosis. Your doctor will most likely still do a physical examination … is called reactive arthritis. It can last for months or years and can lead to chronic arthritis . How can you …