6347 results found
Medical tests
… labour, and delivery. It keeps track of the heart rate of your baby ( fetus ). It also shows how long each contraction of your uterus lasts. Your baby's heart rate is a good way to tell if your baby is …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … than one cause, so your doctor will treat the main cause first. Surgery for stress incontinence is usually done only …
HealthLinkBC files
… like soup. Blooms may last days, weeks, months or all year, and can even grow during winter when water may be … If you are unsure about the quality of the water, contact your local health authority. Are cyanobacteria harmful? … to cyanobacteria by drinking water or by getting it on your skin during recreational activities (swimming, boating …
Health topics
… if you don't have blisters. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of cold sores may include a spot that tingles, burns, or itches around your mouth and on your lips. A blister usually forms within … If children have oozing cold sore blisters, keep them home until the blisters scab over. …
Health topics
… is a passage or hole that has formed between: Two organs in your body. An organ in your body and your skin. A fistula … starts with some kind of tissue damage. After days to years of tissue breakdown, a fistula opens up. A vaginal … will see whether the tissue is healthy or needs to heal first. You may need medicine or wound care to heal the …
Health topics
… full-term babies. Suction is important because it helps the baby get enough of the nipple in his or her mouth. Nipple … correctly. If it isn't used the right way, it could hurt your nipples or your baby may not get enough milk. The following signs mean you …
Health topics
… dangerous substances or methods as treatment for your baby who has colic . Potentially dangerous treatments … In some batches, alcohol is a main ingredient. Ask your baby's doctor before using gripe water. Medicines, such as …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … can almost always be controlled. Use pain medicine when you first notice pain, before it becomes severe. Eat healthy … Controlling Nausea and Vomiting From Chemotherapy Cancer: Home Treatment for Constipation Cancer: Home Treatment for …
Health topics
… many things that you eat, drink, or take into your body end up in your breast milk and may harm your baby. Tobacco. Smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco may reduce your milk production. It also may make your baby fussy. Babies who are exposed to second-hand smoke are …
Health topics
… to improve a person's health and performance. When you are first learning biofeedback, you may have sensors attached to your body and to a monitoring device. This provides instant … in a biofeedback lab or other setting. You can also try home feedback units and devices that you can wear. Why It Is …