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Health topics
… disease and vision problems: footnote 1 At least every 10 years if you are age 19 to 40. At least every 5 years if you … 56 to 65. At least every 2 years if you are over age 65. Your eye doctor may also suggest that you get examinations … examination. If you have no signs of diabetic retinopathy, your doctor may recommend less frequent eye examinations. …
Health topics
… 11 through 14 are often called early adolescence. These years are an exciting time of varied and rapid changes. Your child grows taller and stronger and also starts to feel … think in more mature ways. You may feel amazed as you watch your child start to turn into an adult. But this can be a …
Health topics
… oversupply happens when a mother makes more milk than her baby uses. It is sometimes called overabundant milk supply … most important things are how often you breastfeed or pump your breasts and how well your breasts are emptied. So the more often you feed your baby and empty your breasts, the more milk your body …
Health topics
… the attempt to start producing breast milk at a time when your body normally would not. A woman may try relactation when she: Adopts a baby and has breastfed before. Stopped breastfeeding her baby and now has changed her mind and wants to resume …
Health topics
… items and bedding. Smallpox is easiest to spread during the first week of the rash. As scabs form, the person is less … outbreak and you think you might have been exposed, call your doctor or local health unit. Do not go directly to a … to smallpox, it will likely protect you for at least 3 to 5 years. And having a second shot later can protect you for an …
HealthLinkBC files
… amounts of blood on them From a pregnant person to their baby, during pregnancy or birth What are the symptoms? Most … if I have hepatitis C? You can have hepatitis C for many years without having symptoms or feeling sick. The only way … antibody test means that you have or had hepatitis C. If your antibody test is positive, you need a ribonucleic acid …
Health topics
… Overview Speech and language lessons start in the uterus. Your developing baby hears and responds to familiar voices. Soon after birth, your baby prefers and responds more to the mother's voice than to …
Health topics
… the choices you make." That wasn't how Jerry felt when he first learned he had prediabetes. His doctor told him to … a note from Laura. It said, "Let's still be doing this 18 years from now." "I looked at those pictures and thought … that motivates him to keep up his routine. "Taking care of yourself can make a huge difference in your health," he …
Health topics
… more likely to happen if you have a disease that has made your bones weak, such as osteoporosis or cancer. What are … is a broken rib treated? Most broken ribs are treated at home and will heal on their own over time. Home treatment … good idea to lie on your injured side. This may seem odd at first, but it will let you take deeper breaths. In the past, …
Health topics
… out of breath. Feel stronger and have more energy. Improve your mood. Stay independent and live longer. Avoid having to … go to the hospital. If you aren't already active, talk with your doctor before you start an exercise program. Of course, … with a friend or family member? Choose a time to take the first step. When is a good time to reach out to someone to …