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Health topics
… sun during these hours, make sure to take care to protect yourself and your family. Physical sunscreens, such as zinc oxide, are … that covers the back of the neck, and clothing to protect your child's skin. Use broad-spectrum sunscreen and lip balm …
Health topics
… Opioids can help suppress how you perceive pain and calm your emotional response to pain. They do this by reducing … aren't used right before delivery because they can slow the baby's breathing. Side effects The most common side effects … can affect a newborn's breathing. They can also make the baby sleepy and less interested in breastfeeding if they are …
Health topics
… the places you live, work, and play are safe for you and your family. Find the information you need in topics such … Poisoning . Radon . Tips for Reducing Indoor Pollutants in Your Home . Health Topics Medical Tests Take Action Open/close …
HealthLinkBC files
… cells lining the intestinal tract. This damage may cause your body to have trouble absorbing nutrients. These types … it is possible for you to spread Giardia to others. Stay home if you have diarrhea or vomiting. Do not return to work … ice cubes, washing uncooked fruits and vegetables, making baby formula, brushing teeth or rinsing dentures. You can …
Health topics
… hours. To prevent the body from rejecting the donor heart, your surgeon will give you powerful drugs … may have to stay longer. How long you'll stay depends on your health and if you have complications from surgery. … disease. The person has a low chance of living as long as 1 year without a heart transplant. The person has no other …
HealthLinkBC files
… 40 to 90 people living in Canada die from it each year. CJD can be found in every country around the world. … CJD prions appear in a person, it can take up to 30 years before symptoms begin. How does a person get CJD? Most …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Wash your hands often to keep yourself and others healthy. Hand … as long as they are not visibly dirty. How should I wash my baby’s hands? To properly wash your baby’s hands, follow the steps below: Wash with plain soap …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview If you pass your due date and your labour does not start on its own, … if the placenta can no longer give enough support to the baby. There are several ways to induce labour, such as using … medicine or breaking the amniotic sac. After you have your baby, you should not have any side effects from the medicine …
Health topics
… Overview Even before you get pregnant, you can help make your pregnancy as healthy as possible. Take these steps: See … 0.4 mg folic acid. This will lower the chance of having a baby with a birth defect. Keep track of your menstrual … And it can help your doctor or midwife figure out when your baby is due and how it is growing. Make healthy choices. Eat …
Health topics
… radiation used for treating cancer can be dangerous to the baby. Your doctor may talk to you about the risks and benefits of … used during pregnancy because it can be harmful to the baby. Diagnostic tests that use radiation may be used during …