6349 results found
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started If your plate includes lots of colourful vegetables, your … foods such as: Packaged fresh vegetables, such as baby carrots, salad mixes, and chopped broccoli and … and use it in burritos, soups, and casseroles. Make "almost homemade" dinners. Start with one or two prepared …
Health topics
… cancer. What puts you at risk? Things that increase your risk for oral cancer include using tobacco and heavy … of oral cancer include sores or lumps on the lips or in your mouth. Talk with your doctor if you have any of these … or a coloured lipstick. Get dental checkups twice a year so that signs of oral cancer can be detected early. …
Health topics
… what the shots and blood sugar meters are for. You can help your child by working with the doctor or diabetes educator … to create a diabetes care plan for school. And you can keep your child's teachers, coaches, and other school staff … the plan with the school staff at the start of each school year. Food issues If your child takes insulin, make sure …
Health topics
… is spondylolisthesis? In spondylolisthesis, one bone in your back ( vertebra ) slides forward over the bone below … spine ( lumbosacral area). In some cases, this may lead to your spinal cord or nerve roots being squeezed. This can … place, you may have no symptoms at all or no symptoms until years later. Then you may have pain in your low back or …
Health topics
… genital area. The bumps may become inflamed and turn red as your body fights the virus. People who have a weakened … How is it diagnosed? To diagnose molluscum contagiosum, your doctor will do a physical examination and may take a … lasts a long time—the bumps can sometimes last for several years. And doctors usually recommend treatment for any bumps …
Healthy eating
… have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Depending on your symptoms, you may continue to eat a regular diet, or … need a low fibre or liquid diet for a short period. Once your symptoms improve, you can gradually return to a high … symptoms. Recommended amount of fibre per day Age (years) Amount per day (gram) Female 19 to 50 25 Female Over …
Health topics
… child who's had several urinary tract infections (UTIs). Your doctor will ask about the history of your child's symptoms and do a physical examination. The … of VUR usually go away completely by the time a child is 5 years old. With VUR, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are …
Medical tests
… Overview A transesophageal echocardiogram is a test to help your doctor look at the inside of your heart. A small device called a transducer directs sound … stomach or esophagus. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for …
Medical tests
… is a surgical procedure that lets a doctor look inside your joints. The doctor uses a thin viewing tool called an … and wrist. During arthroscopy , the arthroscope is put into your joint through a small cut (incision) in the skin. The … before your procedure. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Cardiac catheterization is a test to check your heart. This test uses a thin, flexible tube called a … exactly about when to stop eating and drinking. If your doctor told you to take your medicines on the day of … and toenails. Be sure you have someone to take you home. Anesthesia and pain medicine will make it unsafe for …