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Health topics
… to make you sleepy, and you'll get medicines to relax your muscles. Then an electrical current is briefly sent to … once each month. They may continue for several months to a year. This will reduce the risk of relapse. For mental … given along with medicine, counselling, or both. Ask your doctor when you can drive after having an ECT …
Health topics
… outcome. Discuss the appropriate examination schedule with your doctor. Your doctor will consider many things when deciding how … Over time, the child may need fewer examinations each year. But he or she should continue to have regular eye …
Health topics
… cure cancer. But it has risks for serious side effects. Your doctor will recommend radiation therapy if the doctor … damaged. And sometimes side effects may show up months or years after radiation therapy. These can include: Skin … being able to become pregnant or father a child). Harm to your lungs or heart. In rare cases, a second cancer caused …
Health topics
… You also will follow instructions on how to clean out your colon. This will help your doctor to be able to see inside your colon during the … your blood sugar before and after the test. Arrange to stay home on the day of the test. When you clean out your colon …
Health topics
… to set a temporary basal rate: for example, you can tell your pump to give you less insulin while you go for a jog. … to "remember" how much insulin you have used for both your basal rate and your meal boluses. Insulin companies … easy to use? Do you want to program your pump using your home computer? Or do you want to create your own database of …
Health topics
… located in the inner ear. It carries signals that help with your balance from the inner ear to the brain. The … incorrect signals to the brain that the body is moving. But your other senses (such as vision) don't detect the same … A physiotherapist can teach you exercises to do at home to help you get better faster. Current as of: …
Health topics
… that you use one time and then throw away. They can protect your health and the health of the person you're caring for. … when you give shots. Gloves do not protect you from poking your skin with sharp objects. So if you are handling sharp … Groin Area Caregiving: Reducing Germs and Infection in the Home Caregiving: Washing Soiled Clothes and Linens …
Health topics
… save this information but don't think it is safe to take it home, see if a trusted friend can keep it for you. Plan … help, and memorize the phone number. Be careful online too. Your online activity may be seen by others. Do not use your personal computer or device to read about this topic. …
Health topics
… For Achilles tendinopathy , physiotherapy can decrease your pain. It can allow you to gradually return to your normal activities. For an Achilles tendon rupture, you … and flexibility in the tendon and leg. You can do it at home or in a gym. Your doctor or physiotherapist will design …
Health topics
… build up, you could also have trouble breathing through your nose. Many perforations don't need to be closed. Small … a larger perforation. A surgeon may use tissue from inside your nose or from another part of your body (autograft) to … of the perforation and also on proper post-surgery care at home. Large perforations are more difficult to close. The …