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4999 results found
Healthy eating
… you have. It may help you figure out which foods cause your problems. Avoid those foods until after you have surgery. … you have surgery: Unless your doctor tells you not to, go back to your normal diet as soon as possible. You do not …
Health topics
… oval patches appear in batches on the abdomen, chest, back, arms, and legs. Patches sometimes spread to the neck … oval patches appear in batches on the abdomen, chest, back, arms, and legs. Patches sometimes spread to the neck …
Health topics
… your feelings of pain and stress. Scientific research backs this up: The more you laugh, the better you'll feel … your feelings of pain and stress. Scientific research backs this up: The more you laugh, the better you'll feel …
Health topics
… them. This can prevent allergy symptoms and other health problems. In some cases, immunotherapy might help. For this … eyes ("allergic shiners"). Drainage from the nose down the back of the throat (post-nasal drip). Sore throat or … eyes ("allergic shiners"). Drainage from the nose down the back of the throat (post-nasal drip). Sore throat or …
Health topics
… to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the surgeon's office the next day. During this … or do a procedure to relieve the inflammation. Night vision problems, such as halos. (These are often described as a … to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the surgeon's office the next day. During this …
Health topics
… gets worse slowly. In many people, it never causes major problems. How is it diagnosed? A physical examination and … can also massage your hand and gently stretch the fingers back a couple times a day. Also, try to avoid curling your … can also massage your hand and gently stretch the fingers back a couple times a day. Also, try to avoid curling your …
Health topics
… up to go to the bathroom. Set aside time for solving problems earlier in the day so you don't carry anxious … or if you wake up in the middle of the night and don't get back to sleep quickly, get out of bed and go to another room … or if you wake up in the middle of the night and don't get back to sleep quickly, get out of bed and go to another room …
Health topics
… Or it may be done if the baby's position is causing problems. The decision can't be made until delivery. Routine … a sanitary wipe. Only wipe your perineal area from front to back. Take pain medicines exactly as directed. If the doctor … a sanitary wipe. Only wipe your perineal area from front to back. Take pain medicines exactly as directed. If the doctor …
… swelling, and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids and other problems of the anal area (such as anal fissures, itching) … rectum with your finger, deep enough so it does not slide back out. Remain lying down for a few minutes. Avoid having … rectum with your finger, deep enough so it does not slide back out. Remain lying down for a few minutes. Avoid having …
… day as needed or as directed by your doctor. Tilt your head back, look upward, and pull down the lower eyelid to make a … redness/itching/swelling in or around the eyes vision problems shakiness (tremor) fast/pounding/ irregular … day as needed or as directed by your doctor. Tilt your head back, look upward, and pull down the lower eyelid to make a …