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Health topics
… up off your seat and lower yourself down slowly) Take books back to the library Go pick up notices at the office Squeeze …
Health topics
… someone else to do it. This is useful if you're going back to work or will be gone at feeding time. It's also a … someone else to do it. This is useful if you're going back to work or will be gone at feeding time. It's also a …
Health topics
… good exercise for many people who have osteoarthritis , back pain, or fibromyalgia . It's often used to help people … good exercise for many people who have osteoarthritis , back pain, or fibromyalgia . It's often used to help people …
Health topics
… They happen after you shave, when strands of hair curl back on themselves and grow into the skin. They cause … They happen after you shave, when strands of hair curl back on themselves and grow into the skin. They cause …
Health topics
… heart. I decided that day to get out of that chair and get back into life. The trouble was, I couldn't take 10 steps … heart. I decided that day to get out of that chair and get back into life. The trouble was, I couldn't take 10 steps …
Health topics
… slip or relapse, don't get mad at yourself. You can bounce back. Nearly everyone who succeeds with change has some … slip or relapse, don't get mad at yourself. You can bounce back. Nearly everyone who succeeds with change has some …
Health topics
… and play. It's also one that lowers your risk for health problems. Why pay attention to your weight? Staying at a … can learn to think in a healthy way even when you have setbacks. Keep track of your weight Keep track of your weight. … up for what you missed. Most people who diet end up gaining back the weight they lost—and more. Remember that healthy …
Health topics
… removed may raise your risk for some long-term health problems, such as heart disease and osteoporosis . These … surgery can lower your risk. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." If you are at high risk, … flashes and other symptoms. I'm not sure It may help to go back and read "Get the Facts." If your ovaries are removed …
… Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … as anemia, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia) frequent falls/injuries a certain eye problem (retinopathy) a certain …
… Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as back pain, leg numbness/tingling/weakness, loss of control … ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details. Before … as anemia, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia) frequent falls/injuries certain eye problem (retinopathy) a certain …