4298 results found
Health topics
… mantra (words spoken or sung in a pattern), or on your own breathing. Mindful meditation, such as mindfulness-based … your mind. Meditation usually involves slow, regular breathing and sitting quietly for at least 15 to 20 minutes. … usually involves sitting quietly for a period of time and breathing deeply, anyone who cannot sit comfortably or who …
Health topics
… like slow walking that doesn't cause you to sweat or breathe more quickly. Moderate intensity A medium activity … enough to raise your heart rate and cause you to sweat and breathe more quickly. While doing an activity of moderate … intensity A high-energy activity that causes you to breathe hard and fast, and raises your heart rate. While …
Health topics
… but avoid extreme discomfort. Remember to continue to breathe normally. Don’t hold your breath. © 2016 Province of British Columbia. All rights …
Medical tests
… movement) against the tube may help. Taking slow, deep breaths may also help. You may be given a shot of medicine … gas pumped into your large intestine. Taking slow, deep breaths through your mouth can help you relax. The test may … movement) against the tube may help. Taking slow, deep breaths may also help. You may be given a shot of medicine …
Health topics
… Yoga is a mind and body practice that involves movement, breathing exercises, and a focus on thoughts and feelings as … stretching postures that are done with focused, deep breathing. Yoga can be practiced alone or with others. There … Yoga is a mind and body practice that involves movement, breathing exercises, and a focus on thoughts and feelings as …
Health topics
… Close your eyes, and simply focus on the in-and-out of your breathing. If it helps you to focus, count your breaths. 5 minutes: Travel in your mind to a place that … Take a walk. Go outside if you can. Take a few deep breaths. Notice what's around you, the sounds, and how the …
Health topics
… from surgery. The most common is having a hard time breathing. These children may need oxygen therapy or … non-surgical management for obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic … non-surgical management for obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic …
Health topics
… from gas, oil, or kerosene heaters. These irritate the breathing tubes and slow healing. Place extra pillows under … need to suction your child's nose if he or she is unable to breathe well enough to eat or sleep. If your child is having trouble breathing or if symptoms are getting worse, contact a …
Health topics
… that I lay down on the sidewalk until I could catch my breath. The neighbours must have thought I'd been run over. … sure I wanted to, and that's what I told him. He said my breathing would get a whole lot harder if I didn't quit, and … I felt like it was for good. I can feel a difference in my breathing. And I feel hopeful that quitting will give me a …
Health topics
… symptoms include a fever, coughing, and feeling short of breath. Urge the person to get extra rest and drink plenty … if they're getting sicker (for example, if it's hard to breathe). But call the doctor's office before you go. They … if the person has any of these symptoms: Severe trouble breathing or shortness of breath Constant pain or pressure …