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4298 results found
Health topics
… There are also risks from general anesthesia , such as breathing problems. Why might your doctor recommend tennis … There are also risks from general anesthesia , such as breathing problems. Why might your doctor recommend tennis … There are also risks from general anesthesia , such as breathing problems. Why might your doctor recommend tennis …
Medical tests
… the cause of common symptoms such as a cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain. Find lung conditions—such as … blurring of the picture. You may be asked to hold your breath for a few seconds while the X-ray picture is taken. … some discomfort if you need to hold a certain position, breathe deep, or hold your breath while the X-ray is done. …
Medical tests
… Check a heart murmur. Look for the cause of shortness of breath or unexplained chest pains. Check how well your heart … be asked to do several things, such as hold very still, breathe in and out very slowly, hold your breath, or lie on your left side. When the test is over, the …
Health topics
… this curve is severe, it can cause pain and make it hard to breathe. Spinal fusion is surgery that helps straighten the curves. It can relieve pain, make breathing easier, and give the spine a more normal … in some situations, such as: An adult who has trouble breathing or who has disabling back pain caused by …
Health topics
… care to relieve pressure in the brain and maintain breathing and vital functions (such as blood pressure), and … care to relieve pressure in the brain and maintain breathing and vital functions (such as blood pressure), and …
Health topics
… may cause you to: Feel dizzy or light-headed. Feel short of breath and find it harder to exercise. Feel tired. Have … may cause you to: Feel dizzy or light-headed. Feel short of breath and find it harder to exercise. Feel tired. Have …
Health topics
… throat or rectal pain Severe fever or chills Shortness of breath or chest pain New pox blisters on multiple parts of …
Medical tests
… a large amount of fluid that is causing pain or trouble breathing or that is affecting how the kidneys or the … a large amount of fluid that is causing pain or trouble breathing or that is affecting how the kidneys or the …
Health topics
… or bathe. Wear shoes or sandals that allow your feet to breathe. Wear socks to absorb sweat. Change your socks … or bathe. Wear shoes or sandals that allow your feet to breathe. Wear socks to absorb sweat. Change your socks …
HealthLinkBC files
… ways to relax and deal with stress. For example, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, going for walks or taking part …