4298 results found
Health topics
… treatments A respiratory therapist will help you with breathing treatments to improve your lung function after surgery. Treatments usually involve deep breathing and the use of a spirometer . Medicines may also be used to help open your airway and help you breathe more easily. Why It Is Done A thoracotomy may be …
Health topics
… causes seizures and makes it hard for you to swallow or breathe. In Canada, most people have had shots to prevent … spasms and pain. You also may need treatment to help you breathe. Your doctor will fully clean any wound or cut to … recover. In this case, you will need treatment to help with breathing and other body functions. After you've had …
Health topics
… to stay calm. When you're angry or upset, take a few deep breaths before you speak. Teach your children to do the same … animal slowly goes up and down with their slow, deep breaths. Current as of: October 20, 2022 Author: … to stay calm. When you're angry or upset, take a few deep breaths before you speak. Teach your children to do the same …
Health topics
… cough, or a cough associated with a fever, or laboured breathing in an infant less than 3 months should always be … that lasts longer than 3 weeks, or develops a fever or breathing difficulties, you should visit your doctor. …
Health topics
… (ICU). You'll be put on a ventilator until you are able to breathe on your own. This may take from a few hours to a few … similar symptoms, including fever, tiredness, and trouble breathing. After a lung transplant, preventive antibiotic … (ICU). You'll be put on a ventilator until you are able to breathe on your own. This may take from a few hours to a few …
Health topics
… try. Sprinkle short breaks throughout your day. Take deep breaths. You can try it now. Stop what you're doing, and focus on your breath moving in and out. Doing this for even 1 minute can … try. Sprinkle short breaks throughout your day. Take deep breaths. You can try it now. Stop what you're doing, and …
Health topics
… drink alcohol before sex. Stop and rest if you have trouble breathing. Stop if you feel light-headed or have chest pain … Tell your doctor if you're having symptoms, such as trouble breathing, when you have sex. Talk with your doctor before … drink alcohol before sex. Stop and rest if you have trouble breathing. Stop if you feel light-headed or have chest pain …
HealthLinkBC files
… when crying Dry mouth and tongue Faster heartbeat Shallow breathing (especially with infants) Sunken eyes Sunken soft …
Medical tests
… if you are having pain in your belly. Try to relax by breathing slowly and deeply. You may have nausea or belly … if you are having pain in your belly. Try to relax by breathing slowly and deeply. You may have nausea or belly …
Medical tests
… while the test is being done. You may be asked to take a breath and hold it for several seconds during the test. This … while the test is being done. You may be asked to take a breath and hold it for several seconds during the test. This …