4298 results found
Health topics
… headaches include: High-flow oxygen inhalation therapy. You breathe oxygen through a face mask to relieve headache pain. … headaches include: High-flow oxygen inhalation therapy. You breathe oxygen through a face mask to relieve headache pain. …
Health topics
… right abdomen. Fever. Pain that gets worse during a deep breath. Pain for more than 6 hours, particularly after … right abdomen. Fever. Pain that gets worse during a deep breath. Pain for more than 6 hours, particularly after …
Health topics
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HealthLinkBC files
… Know your sexual health status If you have recently changed sexual partners, or have multiple sex partners, …
Health topics
… services if you have: Sudden, severe chest pain. Difficulty breathing. Sudden, severe headache. Call your doctor now if … services if you have: Sudden, severe chest pain. Difficulty breathing. Sudden, severe headache. Call your doctor now if …
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Medical tests
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