453 results found
… Mesalamine (5-Aminosalicylic Acid) Enema - Rectal On this page: Uses Other Uses How To Use Side … A slight darkening of the medication is expected, but any enemas that turn dark brown should be discarded. This … Once the foil-wrapped unit of bottles is opened, use all enemas promptly as directed by your physician. Keep all …
Health topics
… Ultraviolet Rays From the Sun On this page: Overview … the earth has ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B (UVA and UVB) rays. These ultraviolet rays are the main causes of damage to the skin from the sun. …
Health topics
… Osteoporosis: Should I Have a Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Test? Decision Point You may want … about them. Osteoporosis: Should I Have a Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Test? 1 Get the Facts 2 Compare … to live on your own. What is the DXA test? The DXA is an X-ray test that measures bone thickness. It is used to see if …
Medical tests
… sections of the gastrointestinal tract . The test uses barium contrast material , fluoroscopy , and X-ray . Before the test, you drink a mix of barium (barium … 30 minutes. After the test You may be given a laxative or enema to flush the barium out of your intestines after the …
Health topics
… because symptoms may come and go. Your child may need an X-ray , an ultrasound , an enema, or other tests to confirm whether he or she has … may be needed. Enema. During an enema, air, saline, or barium (a milky-white liquid) is flushed through a child's …
Medical tests
… throat and esophagus do while you swallow. The test uses X-rays in real time (fluoroscopy) and records what happens … you will swallow liquid mixed with a substance called barium. Or you might swallow solid foods coated with barium. The barium shows the movements of your throat and …
Medical tests
… Be sure to tell your doctor if you have: Recently had an X-ray test using barium contrast material , such as a barium enema or upper gastrointestinal series (barium swallow). …
Health topics
… diverticulosis is discovered only when tests, such as a barium enema X-ray , a colonoscopy , or a CT scan are done to find the …
Health topics
… instruments (such as a proctoscope or sigmoidoscope) or a barium enema . But surgery is sometimes needed to fix twisting of … instruments (such as a proctoscope or sigmoidoscope) or a barium enema . But surgery is sometimes needed to fix …
Health topics
… is a test that checks for inflammation or cancer cells. A barium swallow. This is an X-ray of the throat and esophagus. Before the X-ray, you will drink a chalky liquid called barium. Barium coats the inside of your esophagus so that it …