453 results found
Health topics
… rectum alone, you can try medicines given in a suppository, enema, or foam. Avoid medicines that can make ulcerative … prevent the need for surgery. Antidiarrheal medicines and enemas or suppositories may help relieve symptoms. Your … rectum alone, you can try medicines given in a suppository, enema, or foam. Avoid medicines that can make ulcerative …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that is used to screen for breast cancer . … tomosynthesis is sometimes called 3D mammogram. It uses X-rays to create a three-dimensional image of the breast. This … on your skin by these substances may interfere with the X-rays. How It Is Done You will need to remove any jewellery …
Medical tests
… a laxative the night before the scan. You may also need an enema 1 to 2 hours before the scan. This is to help your … a laxative the night before the scan. You may also need an enema 1 to 2 hours before the scan. This is to help your …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test. It looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian … tubes. Pictures are taken using a steady beam of X-ray ( fluoroscopy ) as the dye passes through the uterus and … into the uterus. A dye is put through the tube. The X-ray pictures are shown on a video screen during the test. …
Health topics
… damage in your wrist. Most likely, your doctor will order X-rays of your wrist. Sometimes an X-ray clearly shows a scaphoid fracture. Other times, an X-ray may not show signs of a fracture. If your doctor is not …
Health topics
… to be removed. Your doctor may recommend tests such as an X-ray , endoscopy , or barium swallow . These tests can help find the object if it … may recommend tests such as an X-ray , endoscopy , or barium swallow . These tests can help find the object if it …
Health topics
… sure there are no other injuries. You may need to have an X-ray or other imaging test if your doctor isn't sure about … your symptoms. But broken ribs don't always show up on X-rays. So you may be treated as though you have a broken rib even if an X-ray doesn't show any broken bones. How is a broken rib …
Health topics
… gallbladder into the common bile duct . A dye that blocks X-rays is injected into the common bile duct, and then you will have X-rays taken. You may have intraoperative cholangiogram to: … gallbladder into the common bile duct . A dye that blocks X-rays is injected into the common bile duct, and then you …
Medical tests
… Information Test Overview An angiogram of the lung is an X-ray test that uses a special dye and camera ( fluoroscopy ) … into the vessel to make the area show clearly on the X-ray pictures. The angiogram pictures can be made into regular X-ray films or stored as digital pictures in a computer. A …
Health topics
… painful. Occasionally your dentist will want to take X-rays. The X-rays take only a few minutes. Your dentist or technician … have you put on a heavy apron to shield your body from X-rays. Everyone else in the room will either wear a …