3746 results found
Health topics
… Learn about the immune system The immune system is the body's natural defence system that helps fight infections by … cause diseases. But just like with any other part of your body, there can be problems with your immune system. Human … of a virus that damages the immune system so that the body is unable to fight infections. And sometimes the immune …
HealthLinkBC files
… increases the chances of exposure to that child's blood or body fluids. Staff or residents in a community group home … pharmacists and others who may have contact with blood and body fluids in their jobs. Anyone who is not eligible for a … one infected person to another by contact with blood or body fluids. This includes an accidental or intentional poke …
Health topics
… are ill or weak. These infections can occur anywhere in the body. Some common sites include the intestines, the urinary … Even if you have been exposed to VRE, or have VRE in your body, you are not likely to get an infection. VRE infections … or stool to a lab to see if you still have VRE in your body. Some people get rid of VRE infections on their own as …
Health topics
… it. It may be that the immune system is attacking the body's own tissues. Your genes may play a role in this. For … These tests can show if you have inflammation in your body. Some other conditions can cause similar symptoms. Your … can help prevent bone thinning. Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium. Because of the risks of long-term …
Health topics
… The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, … with home treatment Is the rash on any other parts of the body? Yes Rash on other parts of the body No Rash on other …
Health topics
… from your blood. This waste and fluid goes out of your body in your urine. When your kidneys don't work as they … best for you. End-stage renal disease affects your whole body. It can cause serious heart, bone, lung, blood, and … to regulate the fluids, salts, and waste products in your body. But if you keep losing kidney function, you may start …
Health topics
… cases, menopause happens at around age 50, but everyone's body has its own timeline. As you get closer to menopause, … HT increases the estrogen and progestin levels in your body. It can prevent osteoporosis and ease menopause … reduce the number and severity of hot flashes. Mind and body relaxation, such as breathing exercises. This may help …
… Do not double the dose to catch up. Storage Store at room temperature with the cap on. Do not refrigerate or freeze. … Do not double the dose to catch up. Storage Store at room temperature with the cap on. Do not refrigerate or freeze. …
… Do not double the dose to catch up. Storage Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Do not store in … Do not double the dose to catch up. Storage Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Do not store in …
… Do not double the dose to catch up. Storage Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Do not store in … Do not double the dose to catch up. Storage Store at room temperature away from light and moisture. Do not store in …