3746 results found
Health topics
… rid of water. They don't reduce the amount of fat in your body. Risks of taking over-the-counter weight-loss products … Diurex, reduce your weight by getting rid of water in your body. This may lead to dehydration or loss of essential … rid of water. They don't reduce the amount of fat in your body. Risks of taking over-the-counter weight-loss products …
Health topics
… with others, and they might form false ideas about their body image. The influence of media can add to a teen's poor body image. Physical development Teens in this age group … with others, and they might form false ideas about their body image. The influence of media can add to a teen's poor …
Health topics
… possible. Learn to live with the changes to your brain and body caused by the stroke. Adjust to living within your … may not be able to feel when something touches an affected body part. You may feel very tired. Speech and language. … senses. Effects may include: Weakness on one side of the body. This may cause trouble walking, grasping objects, or …
Health topics
… that your heart muscle doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. Failure doesn't mean that your heart has … as it should. Because your heart cannot pump well, your body tries to make up for it. To do this: Your body holds on to salt and water. This increases the amount …
Medical tests
… hours. Uric acid is made from the natural breakdown of your body's cells. It's also made from the foods you eat. Your … your blood and put it into urine so that it can leave your body. But if your body is making too much uric acid, the level in the urine …
Health topics
… Having an evening routine and a set bedtime will help your body get used to a sleeping schedule. You may want to ask … hours. Spending time in sunlight helps to reset your body's sleep and wake cycles. Limit caffeine (coffee, tea, … or nightmares. Insomnia Sleep and Your Body Clock Sleep Problems, Age 12 and Older Current …
Health topics
… moles (nevi). Congenital moles can grow anywhere on the body. They vary in size and shape. Most are brown. … grow only on the skin, or they may extend deeper into the body. Port-wine stains. Port-wine stains are birthmarks that … They can be small, or they can cover a large area of the body. Do birthmarks need to be treated? Most birthmarks are …
Medical tests
… such as the brain, heart, and kidneys. This helps your body prepare for "fight-or-flight" reactions. Your body breaks down these hormones and passes them into your … tumour is present. Any major stress, such as burns, a whole-body infection (sepsis), illness, surgery, or traumatic …
Medical tests
… hormone (ACTH). Cortisol has many functions. It helps the body use sugar (glucose) and fat for energy ( metabolism ), and it helps the body manage stress. Cortisol levels can be affected by many … such as recent surgery, illness, injury, or whole-body infection (sepsis) can cause high cortisol levels. Low …
Health features
… Ebola is spread through direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person or animal. Outbreaks have … You can only catch Ebola if you have direct contact with body fluids of an infected animal or person. Direct contact … catch Ebola if you have had direct contact with infected body fluids. These include bloods, sweat, saliva, vomit, …