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3746 results found
Medical tests
… procedure in which a small sample of bone is taken from the body and looked at under a microscope for cancer, infection, … procedure. A bone biopsy can be taken from any bone in the body. It is easiest to get the biopsy samples from bones … spreads (metastasizes) to the bone from another part of the body, such as the breast, lungs, prostate , or other organs. …
Medical tests
… including a culture , genetic tests, or tests to study the body's immune system (immunological tests). Lymph nodes are … with local anesthetic. For a lymph node deeper in the body or for lymph node dissection, you may have general … lymph nodes were removed. This fluid is called seroma. Your body will reabsorb the fluid, but it may take some time. Or …
HealthLinkBC files
… condition that can result in weakness and paralysis of the body's muscles. It most commonly occurs after infections, … that can cause painful tightening of muscles all over the body. It is very serious if the breathing muscles are … hepatitis B virus is spread through contact with blood or body fluids from a person infected with the virus. Mothers …
Medical tests
… In many cases MRI gives information about structures in the body that can't be seen as well with an X-ray , ultrasound , … aids, dentures, jewellery, watches, and hairpins) from your body because these objects may be attracted to the powerful … In many cases MRI gives information about structures in the body that can't be seen as well with an X-ray , ultrasound , …
Health topics
… irritated skin. When you have an ostomy, urine leaves your body through the stoma instead of the urethra. Since there … you aren't able to control when urine passes out of your body. An odour-proof plastic pouch (ostomy pouch) surrounds … isn't affected. If you are concerned about sex, your body image, and what others think, talk to your doctor, …
Health topics
… after a sting, 90% of the venom is injected into your body. To quickly remove the stinger: Flick the stinger out … after a sting, 90% of the venom is injected into your body. To quickly remove the stinger: Flick the stinger out …
Health topics
… mental abilities. Neurosyphilis can affect many different body systems and may develop over an extended period of … mental abilities. Neurosyphilis can affect many different body systems and may develop over an extended period of …
Health topics
… of the brain. And these seizures tend to affect the entire body. Sometimes the cause of this type of seizure is not … of the brain. And these seizures tend to affect the entire body. Sometimes the cause of this type of seizure is not …
Health topics
… medicine (anesthetics) to block pain from a part of the body. The medicine affects only the area near where the … medicine (anesthetics) to block pain from a part of the body. The medicine affects only the area near where the …
Health topics
… infect the spine usually originate in other parts of the body and are carried to the spine through the bloodstream. … infect the spine usually originate in other parts of the body and are carried to the spine through the bloodstream. …