3748 results found
Health topics
… something is wrong with genes or chromosomes , an organ, or body chemistry. A birth defect may have only a mild impact … screening) 15 to 20 weeks Ultrasound (pictures of baby's body) 18 to 20 weeks Diagnostic tests Tests When they are … something is wrong with genes or chromosomes , an organ, or body chemistry. A birth defect may have only a mild impact …
Health topics
… The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, … Other concerns about nose Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care you may …
Health topics
… or at work for recovery and the possible need to wear a body cast or brace for a few months after surgery. What are … as roller skating or skiing. Your child may need to wear a body cast or brace for a few months after surgery. Surgery … or at work for recovery and the possible need to wear a body cast or brace for a few months after surgery. What are …
Health topics
… You may have an epidural, which is medicine that numbs your body below the point of the injection. You may remain awake … it. I'm not a big believer in letting people cut on my body, so I wanted to avoid surgery at all costs. But the … You may have an epidural, which is medicine that numbs your body below the point of the injection. You may remain awake …
Health topics
… also lower the amount of estrogen made in the body in post-menopausal women. The side effects include … are removed, you can no longer get pregnant. Also, your body's supply of estrogen and other hormones will end, and … the future. The surgery may affect your feelings about your body. Have your ovaries removed Have your ovaries removed …
Health topics
… smoking. Most of these healthy habits are good for your body for other reasons, too. For example, it's good for your … They slow the way bone dissolves and is absorbed by your body. They can increase bone thickness and strength. They … Most of these healthy habits are good for your body for other reasons, too. Especially if you are at a …
… Each injection should be given in a different area of the body. A healthcare professional will observe you for at … Each injection should be given in a different area of the body. A healthcare professional will observe you for at …
Medical tests
… in a vein in your arm. No electricity passes through your body during the test. There is no danger of getting an … in a vein in your arm. No electricity passes through your body during the test. There is no danger of getting an …
Health topics
… up on your thigh. Keep the baby's head lower than their body. Place 2 or 3 fingers just below the nipple line on the … up on your thigh. Keep the baby's head lower than their body. Place 2 or 3 fingers just below the nipple line on the …
Medical tests
… Find an object that has been swallowed or put into a body cavity. Confirm the proper position of tubes used by … Find an object that has been swallowed or put into a body cavity. Confirm the proper position of tubes used by …