3012 results found
Health topics
… routines and rituals so your toddler knows what to expect. Being able to predict daily routines may keep stress lower … friend.” Temperament Temperament is your toddler's way of being in the world, both socially and emotionally. How you …
Health topics
… and cause serious health problems. The infection can be active at times and not active at other times. When the … can get syphilis without having sexual intercourse. Just being in close contact with an infected person's genitals, … have sex if you have symptoms of an infection or if you are being treated for an STI. Use a condom every time you have …
Health topics
… with music are usually offered to help block the noise. Being confined. Some people feel nervous (claustrophobic) about being confined in that small space. If this worries you, you … may not bother you at all. Some people even fall asleep. If being enclosed in the machine makes you very nervous, you …
Health topics
… or dislikes certain behaviour Holds out arms and legs while being dressed Mimics simple actions Imitates other children … laugh Seeks comfort when upset Shows many emotions, such as being sad, happy, mad, scared, hurt, or uncomfortable Shows … ways of getting attention, such as copying sounds Enjoy being the centre of attention Cry when left with other …
Health topics
… below shows how many you need based on your age and how active you are. footnote 1 Visit … is limited to normal movement in everyday life. Moderately active . You do activity that is equal to walking 1.5 to 3 miles a day at 3 to 4 miles an hour. Active . You do activity that is more strenuous than walking …
Health topics
… seniors Boost your brain health with physical activity An active body is important for an active mind. Regular … keeping your brain healthy Improve your mental well-being through social physical activities and taking part in … you to cope and reduce stress when those changes happen. Being resilient is about bouncing back from stressful …
Health topics
… medicine, along with trying to eat healthy foods and being active. Try to lose weight without weight-loss medicines by eating healthy foods and being active. Key points to remember Being very overweight …
Health topics
… and social development Most children by age 8: Enjoy being around their friends. The opinions of their friends … pressure may become an issue. Gain a sense of security from being involved in regular group activities, such as 4-H or … Become increasingly skilled in hobbies, sports, and active play. Growth and Development …
Health topics
… long after you get over the illness. If the virus becomes active again, it can cause a painful viral infection called … lasts longer than 24 hours A fever that comes back after being gone for a couple of days. Severe itching that cannot … even before symptoms develop. Prevent chickenpox after being exposed to the virus If you have been in contact with …
Health topics
… at the wrong times (for example, at a green light). Being confused or overwhelmed during driving (for example, being confused by traffic signals). Making bad decisions … that other drivers honk a lot. Dents or scrapes on the car. Being angry or frustrated during driving. Not staying in the …