4185 results found
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… the chair, try deep breathing or thinking about a favourite activity or place. Don't be afraid to switch dentists. If … the chair, try deep breathing or thinking about a favourite activity or place. Don't be afraid to switch dentists. If …
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… healthy." Arturo says he tried to change his diet and his activity level on his own, but he couldn't stay with it. So … healthy." Arturo says he tried to change his diet and his activity level on his own, but he couldn't stay with it. So …
Health topics
Health topics
… your quality of life if it interferes with your level of activity. You can do exercises at home to help your body get … your quality of life if it interferes with your level of activity. You can do exercises at home to help your body get …
Health topics
Health topics
… Some of the misconceptions about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) include the following: Myths and facts about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Myth Fact There is no such medical … with their symptoms (inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity) that cause them to have difficulties in life. …