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4185 results found
Health topics
… deal with them. Encourage your child to play sports and be physically active, because it positively contributes to his or her diabetes treatment. But physical activity will now take more planning than before. …
Health topics
… The doctor will ask about past health issues and do a physical examination. Blood tests are done to measure how … diabetes medicine. Skips or delays a meal or snack. Is more physically active than usual without eating enough food. … often. Make healthy food choices. Get regular physical activity. Exercise helps the body to use insulin in a more …
Health topics
… as a treadmill test) before you start. Choose a type of activity that you like. You'll be more likely to keep doing … and that fits easily into your daily schedule. Any type of physical activity may be helpful, such as: Sports or other … and that fits easily into your daily schedule. Any type of physical activity may be helpful, such as: Sports or other …
Health topics
… an infection, or, less often, prostate cancer. What are the benefits of having a PSA test? PSA tests can help find some … prostate cancers grow fast. What do numbers tell us about benefits and risks of PSA testing? Examples of outcomes with … available evidence (evidence quality: moderate to high ) Benefits The quality of the evidence about PSA benefits is …
Health topics
… that can make pain worse. It also teaches you how to add activity. Some activities, like walking or swimming, can … Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine Nancy Greenwald MD - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Current as of: October … Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine & Nancy Greenwald MD - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation This information does …
HealthLinkBC files
… abuse tend to be alone, socially isolated and either physically or emotionally unwell. For information about how … situation can become worse over time and sometimes lead to physical abuse. Financial abuse can take away or limit …
Health topics
… especially when your child starts puberty . Sexual or physical abuse. Children with Down syndrome usually enter puberty and experience the related physical changes about the same time as other adolescents. … information such as his or her full name or address. Sexual activity and pregnancy. Adolescents and teens with Down …
Health topics
… or both legs. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination and ask questions about your back and … with self-care. This includes ice or heat and light activity such as walking. Use over-the-counter pain medicine … Back Problems and Injuries Examinations and Tests A physical examination is the main way to diagnose low back …
Health topics
… the affected area. Stop, change, or take a break from any activity that may be causing your pain or soreness. Use ice. … the affected area. Stop, change, or take a break from any activity that may be causing your pain or soreness. Use ice. …