3361 results found
… This medication may decrease the effectiveness of hormonal birth control such as pills, patch, or ring. This could cause … doctor or pharmacist if you should use additional reliable birth control methods while using this medication. Also tell …
Health topics
… foot. Hold for about 6 seconds, then relax. Balance and control exercises You can usually start balance and control exercises when you are able to stand without pain. … continue with strengthening exercises and balance and control exercises several times a week to keep your ankles …
Health topics
… who smokes. Excessive caffeine or caffeine withdrawal. Birth control pills and hormone therapy. Medicines that expand … who smokes. Excessive caffeine or caffeine withdrawal. Birth control pills and hormone therapy. Medicines that …
Health topics
… carefully after surgery to make sure their glaucoma is controlled. The pressure in their eyes needs to be measured … than 80 out of 100 children who didn't have glaucoma at birth. footnote 1 If pressure in the eye increases, the … than 80 out of 100 children who didn't have glaucoma at birth. footnote 1 If pressure in the eye increases, the …
Health topics
… one or both legs. In rare cases, it can also lead to losing control over your bladder or bowels. See a doctor right away … .) You could have: A defective joint that you've had since birth (congenital). A joint damaged by an accident or other … .) You could have: A defective joint that you've had since birth (congenital). A joint damaged by an accident or other …
Health topics
… serious for women who are pregnant because it can cause birth defects. To learn more Doctors are quickly learning … Agency of Canada (PHAC), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health … babies born to women who have the virus are at risk for birth defects, including microcephaly (say …
… into the spine (intrathecal). Methotrexate has caused birth defects and death in unborn babies. Women must avoid … Methotrexate is used to treat certain types of cancer or to control severe psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. It may … of childbearing age should ask about reliable forms of birth control while using this medication and for 6 months …
… psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis). Methotrexate has caused birth defects and death in unborn babies. Women must avoid … treatment with your doctor. Uses Methotrexate is used to control severe psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis that has … of childbearing age should ask about reliable forms of birth control while using this medication and for 6 months …
Health topics
… lower back. These nerves allow us to feel, to move, and to control the bowel and bladder and other body functions. The … stenosis). In rare cases, the spinal canal is narrowed from birth because of the way the bones are formed. What are the … stenosis). In rare cases, the spinal canal is narrowed from birth because of the way the bones are formed. What are the …
Health features
… that cause Lyme Disease. The BC Centre for Disease Control works in cooperation with local health authorities … response. Wildfires and your health BC Centre for Disease Control: Wildfire smoke Wildfire: Its effects on drinking … File #49f) Useful resources BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) The BCCDC is encouraging everyone to be …