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3220 results found
Health topics
… Some women never lose their stretch marks However, after birth, the marks will gradually change from red or purple to … you baby has moved down into your pelvis in preparation for birth. Make a note and tell your healthcare provider at your … your cervix in preparation for labour. If you plan to give birth in a hospital, this is a good time to: Pack your …
Health topics
… are ovulating. Some women use this information as a form of birth control. But it isn't very reliable for preventing … are ovulating. Some women use this information as a form of birth control. But it isn't very reliable for preventing …
Health topics
… you don't want to get pregnant, talk to your doctor about birth control options. Why It Is Done Vacuum aspiration can be … you don't want to get pregnant, talk to your doctor about birth control options. Why It Is Done Vacuum aspiration can …
Health topics
… you don't want to get pregnant, talk to your doctor about birth control options. Why It Is Done Induction is one option for … you don't want to get pregnant, talk to your doctor about birth control options. Why It Is Done Induction is one …
Health topics
… than others. Some may slightly increase the risk of certain birth defects. For pregnant women, doctors may choose SSRIs … will be more likely to have postpartum depression after the birth. Postpartum depression may make it hard to care for … on a regular schedule. Your symptoms are kept under control so that you can take care of yourself and stay …
Health topics
… Overview The most rare yet most serious risk of vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) is that the scar on the uterus … or death. Caesarean Section Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) Citations Guise JM, et al. (2010). Vaginal birth after cesarean: New insights . Evidence Report …
Health topics
… nutrients from the mother and gets rid of waste.) Preterm birth. The baby is born too soon. Miscarriage or stillbirth. Birth defects, such as a cleft lip. Death early in life, …
Health topics
… a partner—a former or current partner or spouse—uses to control the behaviour of another. Domestic violence affects … mother and the baby. It can raise the baby's risk of low birth weight, premature birth, and death. How It Affects Children When there's …
Medical tests
… tests that may be done in the first trimester to look for birth defects, such as Down syndrome . The first-trimester … measure the levels of two substances that may be related to birth defects. Why It Is Done Fetal ultrasound is done to … of a chromosome defect, such as Down syndrome. Check for birth defects that affect the brain or spinal cord. Second …
Health topics
… buildup of excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain at birth. The extra fluid can increase pressure in the baby's … may happen because of: Bleeding in the fetus before birth. Certain infections in the birth parent, such as toxoplasmosis or syphilis. Conditions …