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Health topics
… Basics What is kidney cancer? Kidney cancer is the out-of-control growth of abnormal cells in one or both kidneys . … carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer. What causes it? Experts aren't sure what causes kidney cancer. But … the lower back or belly, or pain in the side or the back. How is it diagnosed? You may get tests of your urine and …
Health topics
… Menstrual cycle in women. Changes in your routine, such as how much you exercise or how much you sleep. Fasting or … who smokes. Excessive caffeine or caffeine withdrawal. Birth control pills and hormone therapy. Medicines that expand …
Health topics
… acute myelogenous leukemia. It's a type of leukemia that causes the body to make too many myeloblasts. Myeloblasts are … they should, they can start to grow abnormally and out of control. Then they can crowd out normal blood-making cells … you may have pinpoint spots under the skin from bleeding. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will do a physical …
Health topics
… at drug stores. The amount of boric acid needed and how long you use it depends on the type of infection you have. Follow the … . Accessed May 22, 2015. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2015). Sexually transmitted diseases …
Health topics
… acute lymphocytic leukemia. It's a type of leukemia that causes the body to make too many lymphoblasts. Lymphoblasts … can become leukemia cells. These leukemia cells grow out of control in the bone marrow, crowding out normal blood-making … adults include bruising, bleeding easily, and bone pain. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will do a physical …
Health topics
… Disorder On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens Treatment … eat regularly for several months. They may feel out of control and eat until they are painfully full. Some people … ways to get rid of calories. But you might try to limit how much food you eat between eating binges. Binge eating …
Health topics
… helped me face my fears. And I'm making decisions about how I want to go out and what will happen afterwards. It's given me back at least a little feeling of control."— Avery, 81 "My hospice palliative care nurses have … hospice palliative care is simply a type of care that focuses on the quality of your life instead of on continuing …
Health topics
… a lot of pain and can harm organs, muscles, and bones. How does it affect your body? Normal red blood cells move … cell disease. The disease can be diagnosed soon after birth. A sample of blood is taken from the infant's heel. … or codeine and acetaminophen. Some people might take oral controlled-release morphine at home. Managing your child's …
Health topics
… Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that causes intense mood swings, impulsive behaviours, and severe … disorder. Problems with chemicals in the brain that help control moods may play a role. It also seems to run in … disorder, see a doctor. Don't try to diagnose yourself. How is borderline personality treated? Borderline …
Health topics
… agrees with me? Questions about taking the medicine How is the medicine taken (for example, orally [by mouth] or through a skin patch)? What amount do I take each time (dose)? How often … are the common side effects (those that do not usually cause problems)? What side effects should I report if I …