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Health topics
… the spinal cord to other parts of the body. These nerves control your sense of touch, how you feel pain and temperature, and your muscle strength. … coordination, such as walking or fastening buttons. What causes it? Doctors don't always know what causes peripheral …
Health features
… For more information, see  BC Centre for Disease Control: Wildfire Smoke . On this page: Emergency … There are many resources available to help you learn how to prepare for an emergency situation, or an evacuation … You May Need During a State of Emergency . People who use rescue medications such as inhalers should carry them at …
Health topics
… a healthy start and gives you the most possible energy to use for parenting. Family members can pitch in. No mother … Involving your child or children Your local hospital or birthing centre may offer a class for small children to help … time with the baby, and that your child can be a helper. Show pictures of your child as a newborn. Talk about how it …
Health topics
… around a specific nerve or group of nerves. It can be used to numb a part of the body (often an arm or a leg) for a procedure. It may also help control pain after the procedure. How it's done The doctor may use ultrasound or another …
Health topics
… of your surroundings, your emotions, your thoughts, and how your body feels. For example, you may sit quietly and … mindfulness is to not judge the present moment. This is because judgments may lead you to dwell on (or "get stuck" … accept things as they are. Mindfulness teaches you to be in control of your mind so that your mind doesn't control you. …
Health topics
… bah-RAY") is a problem with your nervous system . It causes muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, and numbness or … condition can be deadly if weakness spreads to muscles that control breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Call your … away if you think you might have Guillain-Barré syndrome. How is Guillain-Barré syndrome diagnosed? Your doctor will …
Health topics
… foods properly to reduce the risk of foodborne illness . How to wash your hands Follow these steps for handwashing: … fingernails. Rinse your hands well under running water. Use a clean towel to dry your hands, or air-dry your hands. … Safe Food Handling Citations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010, updated 2011). Keeping hands …
Health topics
… may interact with many medicines, such as antidepressants, birth control pills, blood thinners, cancer medicines, and heart … not be standardized in their manufacturing. This means that how well they work or any side effects they cause may differ …
Health topics
… people who have it are able to lead normal lives. What causes it? The cause of Paget's disease is not clear. But it … results in loss of feeling in the pelvic area and legs. How is it diagnosed? Paget's disease is most often found by … Medicine can help reduce the breakdown of bone tissue, control symptoms such as bone pain, and prevent other …
Health topics
… Back Pain On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests … weakness in your arms or legs, loss of bowel or bladder control, and numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, chest, or belly. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your …