6318 results found
Health topics
… Sleep Apnea On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What … Sleep apnea can range from mild to severe, based on how often breathing stops during sleep. For adults, … apnea is less common. It happens when the brain has trouble controlling breathing. Some people have both types. That's …
Health topics
… time, hospital staff took babies away from their mothers at birth - examining, weighing, measuring, wrapping and tightly … was wrong. Babies need to be with their mothers. Research shows that babies who are taken away for the first few … to contract. This decreases the risk of excessive bleeding. Useful resources Breastfeeding Bonding with your newborn …
Health topics
… neurons) in the brain and spinal cord. These nerve cells control the muscles that allow movement. As ALS gets worse, … as Lou Gehrig's disease or motor neuron disease. What causes it? Doctors don't know what causes ALS. Sometimes ALS … personality. ALS doesn't cause numbness or loss of feeling. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical …
Health topics
… a problem when it happens often, lasts a long time, or causes symptoms. SVT is also called atrial tachycardia, … in the chest. Some people with SVT have no symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may diagnose SVT based on a … treatment, such as with medicines or procedures, to control your heart rhythm. Your doctor may also teach you …
HealthLinkBC files
… cough) bacteria, and tetanus toxoid. Vaccines do not cause disease because the germs are either dead or weakened … fungi, they could get sick. A large number of studies have shown no link between the use of vaccines containing … Grade 9 immunizations in B.C. (#50g) Numbing Creams and Patches for Immunizations (#50h) Immunizations at 2 months …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview How can pressure injuries be prevented? Relieve pressure on … chairs are likely to allow slipping. They should not be used in place of a bed. Use special support surfaces. There … easily damaged. If you have problems with bowel or bladder control, clean your skin right away if it becomes soiled or …
Health topics
… You may not be able to walk or put weight on your foot. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask how you hurt your … your foot and ankle to see if the ligaments work and what causes pain. How is an ankle sprain treated? At first, you may … the muscles so they help support your ankle. Balance and control exercises. Help your foot and ankle respond to …
Health topics
… treating a certain condition or disease. Clinical trials show how effective this medicine or treatment is compared … trials are important Clinical trials are important because they allow researchers to find out if a new treatment … the participants. Clinical trials follow a carefully controlled study plan (protocol) that explains what everyone …
Health topics
… are pressure injuries? A pressure injury on the skin is caused by constant pressure to that area. The pressure damages … or walk around (immobility). Having a disease that affects how well blood circulates in your body, such as diabetes or … skin too hard. If you have problems with bowel or bladder control, clean your skin right away if it gets soiled or …
Health topics
… third trimester, your doctor or midwife will check to see how far your baby's head has dropped into your pelvis. If … strep in her vagina can pass it to her baby during vaginal birth. This can cause severe problems for the baby. If you test positive for …