6318 results found
Health topics
… teenagers. It's more common in boys than in girls. What causes it? Rapid growth and an imbalance of hormones during … especially when tired. Muscle spasms. Mild to severe pain. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will conduct a medical history to learn how long you have had your symptoms and a physical …
Health topics
… hair curl back on themselves and grow into the skin. They cause irritation and pimples. They also may cause scarring. … with laser treatments doesn't cause razor bumps. How are razor bumps treated? The best way to treat razor … such as hydrocortisone, antibiotic, or tretinoin cream. How can you help prevent them? These tips can help when you …
Health topics
… blood does not clot properly. This usually happens because your body does not have enough of a certain kind of … by changes (mutations) in genes . These changes affect how much clotting factor a person has and how well it works. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of …
Health topics
… to the eardrum. This condition is called swimmer's ear, because it commonly occurs in people who have been swimming. But … In severe cases, the outer ear can be red and swollen too. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can usually tell whether you … into your ear and asking questions about your symptoms. How is swimmer's ear treated? Follow these tips when …
Health topics
… in the tissue in and around the tendon. These tears are caused by overuse. This is often called Achilles tendinitis . … Some people with partial tears may not have any symptoms. How are these problems diagnosed? To diagnose Achilles … The examination includes checking for tenderness, watching how you walk and stand, and comparing the range of motion of …
Health topics
… damaged valves allow some blood to leak backward. This causes the veins to become overfilled. Fluid seeps out of the … problems like itching, sores, or changes in skin colour. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose venous … a type of ultrasound test (duplex Doppler) to find out how well blood is flowing in your legs. How is venous …
Health topics
… Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection that causes small pearly or flesh-coloured bumps. The centre of the … The infection is more common in warm, humid climates. How does it spread? The molluscum contagiosum virus commonly … dozens of larger bumps. These may need special treatment. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose molluscum contagiosum, your …
Health topics
… though they are very painful, cluster headaches don't cause long-term harm. During a cycle, you may be able to reduce how often you have them, how bad they are, and how long they last. What causes them? …
Health topics
… happens when a mother makes more milk than her baby uses. It is sometimes called overabundant milk supply or hyperlactation. Many things influence how much milk you produce. The two most important things are how often you breastfeed or pump your breasts and how well …
Health topics
… Basics What is malaria? Malaria is a disease that causes a fever, chills, and muscle pain. You can get it from a … times may have the disease but have few or no symptoms. How bad malaria symptoms are can vary depending on your age, … signs of illness may not appear for many months. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask you questions about …