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Health topics
… Has your child had a fever seizure? Fever seizures are uncontrolled muscle spasms that can happen when a child's body … goes up quickly. Yes Fever seizure No Fever seizure How old are you? Less than 6 months Less than 6 months 6 … a few hours. Are different than tiny, flat red spots or birthmarks that are present all the time. Purpura (say …
Health topics
… chest. Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) often cause this feeling. PVCs are heartbeats that happen sooner … or heart rhythm No Concern about heartbeat or heart rhythm How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 … and have trouble getting your heartbeat and breathing under control? It's normal to feel out of breath and have your …
Health topics
… you have a fever, your other symptoms will help you know how serious your illness is. Temperatures in this topic are … a few hours. Are different than tiny, flat red spots or birthmarks that are present all the time. Purpura (say … with home treatment. Here are some things you can do. Control fluid losses, and replace lost fluids. If you become …
Health topics
… can create a hole (perforation) in the septum. Or it can cause the bridge of the nose to collapse (saddle nose … Nose injury in past 2 weeks No Nose injury in past 2 weeks How old are you? Less than 4 years Less than 4 years 4 years … medicines can cause bleeding and can make it harder to control bleeding. Yes Takes medicine that affects blood's …
Health topics
… or puncture inside the mouth may bleed a lot. That's because there are many blood vessels in the head and neck area. … Yes Injury to mouth or teeth No Injury to mouth or teeth How old are you? Less than 4 years Less than 4 years 4 years … soak through a few bandages, but it is not fast or out of control. With mild bleeding , any of these may be true: The …
Health topics
… aging? Healthy aging means staying well as you get older. How you will feel as you age depends on the type of health … chances of having those problems increase. But just because your risk is higher, it doesn't mean you will have the … on how well your body ages. The good news is that you can control your lifestyle choices. Some of the following …
Health topics
… tried medicines for angina symptoms. Have had tests that showed that angioplasty might help their angina. This … attack, or help you live longer. Most heart attacks are caused by small plaques the break open and cause a clot, not … medicine for angina, let your doctor know if it doesn't control your symptoms enough. Your doctor may do some other …
Health topics
… recommend that you have your wisdom teeth removed if they cause pain or an infection, crowd other teeth, or get stuck … Think about what matters most to you in this decision, and show how you feel about the following statements. Reasons to … to have problems. I have diabetes that's pretty well controlled right now, so I'm going to have my wisdom teeth …
Health topics
… your baby may weigh more than normal. It's important to control your blood sugar to help keep your baby safe before … which can be passed to your baby during vaginal childbirth. If passed to your baby, it can cause a serious … more serious for pregnant women. Yes Pregnancy No Pregnancy How old are you? Less than 12 years Less than 12 years 12 …
Health topics
… Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) can help you measure how hard your body is working when you exercise. To do this, … yourself as you exercise. For example, you think about how tired you are, how hard it is to breathe, and how hard it is to do the activity. An RPE is usually used as part of a cardiac rehab program. Your cardiac rehab …