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Health topics
… with age, your doctor can help determine whether your symptoms are from low testosterone and whether you could benefit from treatment. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of low testosterone in men may include: Loss of sex …
Health topics
… in the infant's intestine and produce toxins. What are the symptoms? The symptoms of foodborne botulism may include … tests that may be done include a brain scan and a spinal fluid examination. How is botulism treated? If diagnosed … tests that may be done include a brain scan and a spinal fluid examination. How is botulism treated? If diagnosed …
Health topics
… WPW are more likely to have atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter. When they do, the electrical impulses can travel … brother, or sister, with this disorder and they have symptoms, talk with your doctor about your risk for this … WPW are more likely to have atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter. When they do, the electrical impulses can travel …
Health topics
… proof that these viruses cause this disease. What are the symptoms? Most people with Paget's disease have no symptoms. When symptoms occur, the most common ones are: Bone pain. It may …
Health topics
… time. You can spread it to another person before you have symptoms. What are the symptoms? Scabies has two main symptoms: Severe itching that is usually worse at night. …
Health topics
… Raynaud's.) Certain things can trigger an attack of symptoms. The most common trigger is exposure to cold. In … of blood, such as smoking and some medicines. What are the symptoms? During an attack of Raynaud's, the body limits … Raynaud's, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and do a physical examination. You'll need to …
Health topics
… are tight and air can't move around your feet. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of athlete's foot vary from person to … infection usually starts with a sudden outbreak of fluid-filled blisters. The blisters are usually on the sole … infection usually starts with a sudden outbreak of fluid-filled blisters. The blisters are usually on the sole …
Health topics
… flow. Having limited mobility also increases the risk. Symptoms Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in a vein) … or any change in colour, or warmth in just one leg or arm. Symptoms of pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung) …
Health topics
… a sudden. And they can get better with time. What are the symptoms? The type of symptoms you have depends on the kind of atypical neuropathy … It often goes down to the thigh (femoral neuropathy). These symptoms may be caused by other serious conditions. See your …
Health topics
… or along with other signs of hyperthyroidism . What are the symptoms? Most people who develop Graves' ophthalmopathy have one or more of the following symptoms: Dry, itchy, irritated eyes A staring or bug-eyed … How is it treated? Treatment will depend on how severe your symptoms are. Treatments may include corticosteroid …