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3977 results found
Medical tests
… types of cancers usually occur along with the buildup of fluid in the abdomen ( ascites ). … types of cancers usually occur along with the buildup of fluid in the abdomen ( ascites ). …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… baby is infected, the test can be done on a sample of the fluid that is around your baby ( amniotic fluid ) taken during amniocentesis . Why It Is Done A … baby is infected, the test can be done on a sample of the fluid that is around your baby ( amniotic fluid ) taken …
Medical tests
… pregnancy, it may also be done on a sample of amniotic fluid or the placenta . Blood sample from a vein A health … pregnancy, it may also be done on a sample of amniotic fluid or the placenta . Blood sample from a vein A health …
Health topics
… such as high-fibre fruits and vegetables, may make your symptoms worse. No one diet is right for everyone with an … Keep a food diary. As soon as you know what foods make your symptoms worse, your doctor or dietitian can help you plan … for you. During a flare-up, avoid or reduce foods that make symptoms worse. Choose dairy products that are low in …
Health topics
… it can form a pocket of pus called an abscess. What are the symptoms? You may have no symptoms. But if the cyst gets … in the area. You may also have a fever. You may have cloudy fluid or blood draining from the cyst. Some people may find … in the area. You may also have a fever. You may have cloudy fluid or blood draining from the cyst. Some people may find …
Health topics
… to the dust or after your exposure has ceased. What are the symptoms? Many people don't have symptoms. People with black lung disease may get symptoms of progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). These may …
Health topics
… Gastroesophageal Reflux in Babies and Children On this page: … Information What is gastroesophageal reflux in babies and children? Gastroesophageal reflux happens … Reflux usually goes away as a baby matures. What are the symptoms? It is common for babies to spit up (have reflux) …
Health topics
… to spread from a mother to her baby at birth. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms are a fever, a dry cough, shortness of breath, or … or her appetite but not have a fever.For some people the symptoms get worse quickly, making a hospital stay …