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Health topics
… stored. These cell changes can lead to cancer. What are the symptoms? Blood in the urine is the main symptom. Other … If you are vomiting or have diarrhea: Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Choose water and other clear … you have kidney, heart, or liver disease and have to limit fluids, talk with your doctor before you increase the amount …
Health topics
… follow this general advice. Do not rinse your vagina with fluids (douche). This could increase your risk of infections … information about what to expect after an abortion. Normal symptoms that most often occur include: Irregular bleeding … that isn't relieved by pain medicine, rest, or heat Hot flushes or a fever that lasts longer than 4 hours Vomiting …
… imbalance. Tell your doctor right away if you have any symptoms of dehydration or electrolyte imbalance, including: … to your doctor. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids unless your doctor directs you otherwise. This … Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into a drain …
Health topics
… reactants." You get a score of 0 or 1. How long symptoms have lasted. The doctor notes whether symptoms have lasted less than 6 weeks, or 6 or more weeks. You may hear these criteria called "duration of symptoms." You get a score of 0 or 1. …
Health topics
… the mouth or face, such as cleft palate. What are the symptoms? Many babies with tongue-tie don't have symptoms. The tissue either stretches as the child grows, or … examination of your child's mouth and ask about his or her symptoms. In an older child or adult, the doctor may check …
Health topics
… it can also develop right after childbirth. What are the symptoms of HELLP syndrome? HELLP syndrome often occurs … large increase in blood pressure and protein in the urine.) Symptoms of HELLP syndrome include: Headache. Vision … be dangerous for both you and your baby. If you have these symptoms, you need emergency medical treatment. How is HELLP …
Health topics
… services and start home treatment right away. What are the symptoms of shock? Adults and older children usually have … in.). If the person vomits, roll them to one side to let fluids drain from the mouth. If you think the person might … in.). If the person vomits, roll them to one side to let fluids drain from the mouth. If you think the person might …
Health topics
… a fungus or a parasite can cause tonsillitis. What are the symptoms? The main symptoms of tonsillitis are a sore throat and swollen tonsils. Symptoms may also include a fever, a congested or runny …
Health topics
… is a hydrocele? A hydrocele is a painless buildup of watery fluid around one or both testicles that causes the scrotum … age but is most common in men older than 40. What are the symptoms? Often a hydrocele does not cause symptoms. You may … such as cancer of the testicle. Hydroceles are filled with fluid, so light will shine through them. Light will not pass …
Fluorouracil - Topical On this page: Uses How To Use Side … the skin to treat pre-cancerous and cancerous skin growths. Fluorouracil belongs to a class of medications known as … However, get medical help right away if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash …