3979 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… cholera Typhoid Yellow fever Japanese encephalitis Rabies Influenza (flu) When travelling to an area with measles, … from malaria? Malaria is a disease caused by mosquito bites and tiny parasites that get into the bloodstream. The … it is important to see a health care provider. Discuss your symptoms with them and remember to tell them where you have …
Health topics
… trigger may be an upper respiratory infection, such as influenza (flu) or a cold. Less often, it may start after a middle ear … or that you have lost your balance (vertigo). What are the symptoms? The main symptom of labyrinthitis is vertigo. …
Health topics
… rule, people can spread fifth disease only while they have flu-like symptoms and before they get a rash. Usually, by the time … exposure to the virus. Early symptoms are similar to influenza (flu)—runny nose, sore throat, headache—and may be …
HealthLinkBC files
… can be part of a family’s hygiene routine. What are the symptoms of head lice? Often people who have head lice will have no symptoms. Symptoms of head lice may include: Crawling or … scalp Itchy scalp due to a sensitive reaction caused by the bites Scratch marks or small red bumps like a rash How can I …
Health topics
… spread among people through direct contact with: The body fluids of someone who has the disease or who died from it. … as an infected person. For the virus to spread to you, body fluids from an infected person have to enter your body. The … infected with the virus cannot spread it until they have symptoms. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms usually …
Health topics
… your lungs. It can make you feel like you have a cold or influenza (flu) and may cause a rash. Most people get better without … or have had an organ transplant . What are the symptoms? Most people don't have any symptoms, or they have …
Health topics
… Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Treatment … First you may have a headache, sensitivity to light, and influenza (flu)-like symptoms. Later you may feel tingling or pain in …
Health topics
… a lot longer to empty. The delay results in bothersome symptoms that may become more severe over time. Bezoar is a … gastroparesis are: A feeling of fullness after only a few bites of food. Nausea. Vomiting. Belly pain. Bloating. … gastroparesis are: A feeling of fullness after only a few bites of food. Nausea. Vomiting. Belly pain. Bloating. …
Health topics
… Syndrome On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and … don't know what causes ME/CFS. It seems to follow after a flu-like illness. High stress may also lead to ME/CFS for … don't know what causes ME/CFS. It seems to follow after a flu-like illness like Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). But EBV …
Health topics
… disease, there are things you can do at home to manage your symptoms and live a full life. What are the symptoms? … you move your body into different positions to help drain fluid from the lungs. This helps to ease breathing and … doctor may give you an airway clearance device, such as a flutter valve to help remove mucus from the lungs. If the …