3979 results found
… doxorubicin). Tell your doctor right away if you notice symptoms such as irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, … If this medication gets in your eye, open the eyelids and flush with water for 15 minutes, then get medical help right away. Drink plenty of fluids while using this medication unless otherwise directed …
… or past smoker. Tell your doctor right away if you develop symptoms such as fever or cough that doesn't go away, … that may spread to others (such as chickenpox, measles, flu). Consult your doctor if you have been exposed to an … people who have recently received live vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). This medication may …
… emphysema. It must be used regularly to reduce and prevent symptoms such as shortness of breath and wheezing. This may … programs and products that can help you quit. Because the flu virus can worsen breathing problems, ask your doctor or pharmacist if you should have a flu shot every year. Medical tests (such as lung function …
… medication. Tell your doctor right away if you have any symptoms of liver damage, including nausea/vomiting that … that may spread to others (such as chickenpox, measles, flu). Consult your doctor if you have been exposed to an … people who have recently received live vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). To lower the chance …
… to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from … range, increased use of quick-relief inhalers). Because the flu virus can worsen breathing problems, ask your doctor or pharmacist if you should have a flu shot every year. Missed Dose If you miss a dose, use it …
… problems occur. Tell your doctor right away if you have any symptoms of heart failure (such as shortness of breath, … help right away if you have symptoms such as fever, chills, flushing, headache, nausea/vomiting, coughing, chest pain, … that may spread to others (such as chickenpox, measles, flu). Consult your doctor if you have been exposed to an …
… break, chew, crush, or split the tablets. Drink plenty of fluids during treatment with this medication, unless … dehydration. Contact your doctor promptly if you notice any symptoms of dehydration, such as unusual decreased … that may spread to others (such as chickenpox, measles, flu). Consult your doctor if you have been exposed to an …
… Tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms of liver disease, such as nausea/vomiting that … doctor may add a medication and tell you to drink plenty of fluids. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms … that may spread to others (such as chickenpox, measles, flu). Consult your doctor if you have been exposed to an …
… medication or getting it on your skin. If contact occurs, flush the area with water. Since this drug can be absorbed … your doctor right away if you develop any of the following symptoms: unusual tiredness pale skin signs of infection … that may spread to others (such as chickenpox, measles, flu). Consult your doctor if you have been exposed to an …
… into a vein by a health care professional. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent serious problems due to dehydration. … or nose. If you do get the medication in those areas, flush with plenty of water and tell your doctor right away. … is, your doctor may prescribe a medication to reduce the symptoms or decrease/delay your next dose of clofarabine. If …