3695 results found
Health topics
… for Menopause Symptoms Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, and Blood Sugar Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Cushing's Syndrome … and the Somogyi Effect Diabetes-Related High and Low Blood Sugar Levels Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Emotions and Menopause Gynecomastia Hormonal Birth Control: Risk of Blood Clots Hormone Treatment for Breast Cancer Hot Flashes …
Health topics
… Thalassemia (say "thal-uh-SEE-mee-uh") is an inherited blood disorder that causes your body to make less hemoglobin or abnormal hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps red blood cells spread oxygen through your body. Low levels of … moderate anemia (beta thalassemia intermedia), you may need blood transfusions. People with severe anemia (called beta …
Health topics
… Overview If you are at risk for low blood sugar levels because of diabetes or some other health … with you at all times. These foods can quickly raise your blood sugar level. Eating quick-sugar food raises your blood sugar in 10 to 15 minutes. Choose fast-acting …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Phlebotomy is a procedure that removes blood from the body. Regular phlebotomy treats people who have too much iron in their blood, such as with hemochromatosis , or who are producing too many red blood cells, such as with polycythemia . Removing blood …
Health topics
… variety of tests and check-ups. Prenatal genetic screening blood tests and/or special ultrasounds (optional): Detects … chances of genetic abnormalities. If you miss the first blood test (between 10 and 14 weeks), you may still have the second blood test (at 15 to 21 weeks). It’s best to have both blood …
Health topics
… side. The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it … dioxide. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to … your body. Your heart has four separate chambers that pump blood, two on the right side and two on the left. How the …
Health topics
… infected person get the hepatitis B vaccine. Do not donate blood or blood products, organs, sperm, or eggs (ova). Stop all … infected. Do not share personal items that may have your blood on them. These include razors, toothbrushes, towels, …
Health topics
… (dialyzer) to: Remove wastes, such as urea , from the blood. Restore the proper balance of electrolytes in the blood. Get rid of extra fluid from the body. Hemodialysis … connected to a filter (dialyzer) by tubes attached to your blood vessels. Your blood is slowly pumped from your body …
Health topics
… disease? Having anemia means you don't have enough red blood cells . Your body needs these cells to carry oxygen … a long-term disease keeps your body from making enough red blood cells. This is called anemia of chronic disease, or … changes can include: A problem with using iron to make red blood cells, even when there's enough iron in the body. Bone …
Health topics
… vein thrombosis (DVT)? A deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein, usually in the legs. A … dangerous because it can break loose and travel through the bloodstream to the lungs. There it can block blood flow in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). This can be …