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Health topics
… ) of the brain. It's usually caused by a virus. The normal blood flow to the brain changes, and this can cause … tests to confirm the diagnosis. These may include: Spinal fluid analysis. By doing a lumbar puncture (also called a … get supportive care to ease your symptoms and allow your body to heal on its own. You may take medicines to reduce …
Health topics
… Risks Treatment Overview Liposuction removes fat from your body using suction. During the procedure, small, thin, … bruising and swelling for at least the first 7 to 10 days. Fluid may drain from the incision sites for several days. … your risks go up. Possible complications include: Excessive blood and fluid loss, leading to shock. But this is …
Health topics
… of protein in your urine. Low levels of protein in your blood. You may also have high levels of cholesterol in your … protein slips from the blood into the urine. As a result, fluid builds up in the tissues and causes swelling. … on their own. Others may need medicines that decrease the body's immune system response. These include: …
Health topics
… What is polyhydramnios? Amniotic fluid surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. Having too much of this fluid is called polyhydramnios. It means that there's more fluid around your baby than there should be. In some cases, …
… Diazepam - Oral On this page: Uses How To Use Side Effects Precautions Drug Interactions Overdose Notes Missed Dose … medical tests (such as liver function tests, complete blood count) may be done while you are taking this … medical tests (such as liver function tests, complete blood count) may be done while you are taking this …
… Vilazodone - Oral On this page: Uses How To Use Side Effects Precautions Drug Interactions Overdose Notes Missed Dose … such as clopidogrel, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen/naproxen, "blood thinners" such as dabigatran/warfarin) Aspirin can … such as clopidogrel, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen/naproxen, "blood thinners" such as dabigatran/warfarin) Aspirin can …
Medical tests
… test measures the amount of this enzyme in a sample of blood taken from a vein or in a sample of urine. Normally, only low levels of amylase are found in the blood or urine. But if the pancreas or salivary glands … a 24-hour urine test for amylase, be sure to drink enough fluids during the test to prevent dehydration . How It Is …
Health topics
… infection. It causes inflammation across large areas of the body and can damage tissue and organs. Sepsis requires … hospital. Septic shock is sepsis that causes extremely low blood pressure, which limits blood flow to the body. It can … blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. You'll get fluids through an IV. You may also get strong medicine. This …
Health topics
… water and salt and other minerals ( electrolytes ) in your blood. When your kidneys stop working, waste products, fluids, and electrolytes build up in your body. This can cause problems that can be deadly. What …
Health topics
… "hy-poh-kay-LEE-mee-uh") is a low level of potassium in the blood. Potassium is both an electrolyte and a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and …