4652 results found
Health topics
… disease that creates tiny lumps of cells throughout the body. These lumps are called granulomas. They can form … Sometimes sarcoidosis can cause high calcium levels in the blood. Sarcoidosis may affect how an organ works. For … low-fat dairy, beans, tofu, and nuts). Drink plenty of fluids. If you have kidney, heart, or liver disease and have …
Health topics
… infected person get the hepatitis B vaccine. Do not donate blood or blood products, organs, sperm, or eggs (ova). Stop … water to clean surfaces that have your blood or any other body fluid (such as semen or menstrual blood) on them. These …
Health topics
… been damaged, it may not be able to filter poisons from the bloodstream, especially substances in the blood produced by … (such as shunting, which redirects the flow of blood or fluid through other areas of the body) that help lower portal hypertension and prevent …
Health topics
… cause. What causes it? Fainting is caused by a drop in blood flow to the brain. After you lose consciousness and … to widen, or dilate. As a result, blood pools in the lower body and less blood goes to the brain. This reflex can be … dizzy, weak, warm, or sick to your stomach. Drink plenty of fluids so you don't get dehydrated. Stand up slowly. You may …
Medical tests
… helps balance the amounts of water and electrolytes in the body. (Water is the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's cells.) It is also … levels can be affected by how the kidneys are working, the blood pH , and the amount of potassium you eat. The hormone …
Medical tests
… (say "thor-uh-sen-TEE-sis") is a procedure to remove fluid from the space between the lungs and the chest wall. … and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it … keep taking it. (These medicines include aspirin and other blood thinners.) Make sure that you understand exactly what …
Health topics
… ischemic attack (TIA) is an event that happens when blood flow to part of the brain is blocked or reduced , often by a blood clot. After a short time, blood flows again and … tingling, weakness, and loss of movement in a part of your body. A sudden, severe headache that is different from past …
Medical tests
… chest pains. Check how well your heart is pumping blood. Check to see how well your heart valves are working. … in a vein in your arm. No electricity passes through your body during the test. There is no danger of getting an … heartbeat (ejection fraction) is normal. There is no excess fluid in the sac surrounding the heart, and the lining …
Medical tests
… picture of the chest that shows your heart, lungs, airway, blood vessels, and lymph nodes . A chest X-ray also shows … as an enlarged heart, heart failure , and problems causing fluid in the lungs ( pulmonary edema ), and to monitor … from the back. The other view is taken from the side of the body. But other views may be needed, depending on what your …
Health topics
… partly or completely blocked. The blockage prevents food, fluids, and gas from moving through the intestines in the … needed when the intestine is completely blocked or when the blood supply is cut off. You may need a colostomy or an … is sewn to an opening in the skin. Stool passes out of the body through the opening and collects in a disposable ostomy …