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4650 results found
Medical tests
… tests may include X-rays , ultrasound, CT scan , MRI , or blood tests. Do surgery to repair a joint problem. It may be … or rebuilt. Collect a sample of joint tissue or joint fluid (synovial fluid) for testing (biopsy). Remove scar … stay in a hospital. You may have more tests, such as blood tests or urine tests, before your procedure. Be sure …
Health topics
… The kidneys and liver are essential for cleaning your blood, maintaining fluid balance, and breaking down the foods you eat. If you … should to filter waste and get rid of extra fluid from your blood. Learn how making changes to your diet can help manage …
HealthLinkBC files
… know if you are immune to rubella, you will be offered a blood test for rubella immunity as part of your prenatal … have been exposed to rubella and are not immune will need blood tests to determine if they have been infected. What … comfortable while you rest and recover. Drink plenty of fluids such as water, juice and soup, especially if you have …
Medical tests
… measure how much tracer the thyroid gland absorbs from the blood. The tracer can be swallowed or can be injected into a vein. It travels through your body, giving off radiation signals. The camera "sees" the … which tracer is used. Iodine can be taken as a capsule or a fluid 4 to 24 hours before the scan is done. Iodine has …
Health topics
… Information Check Your Symptoms Overview Coughing is the body's way of removing foreign material or mucus from the … No Vomiting after coughing spasm Is your baby coughing up blood? Yes Coughing up blood No Coughing up blood Is your … in the mouth. When you swallow, it closes to keep food and fluids out of the tube (trachea) that leads to the lungs. If …
Medical tests
… A CA-125 test measures the amount of this protein in the blood. CA-125 is used as a tumour marker , which means the … has found a cancer that has spread to another part of the body (metastatic cancer), he or she may do a CA-125 test to … types of cancers usually occur along with the buildup of fluid in the abdomen ( ascites ). …
Health topics
… Potassium is a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps your nerves, muscles, and heart work … frequent urination, and dehydration. It may also cause low blood pressure, confusion, paralysis, and changes in heart …
Health topics
… Your Summary Get the facts Your options Wait to see if your body completes the miscarriage on its own. Take medicine to … is to prevent an infection and the loss of too much blood. These problems are most likely to occur when the … midwife will check to see if you: Might be losing too much blood or getting an infection. Could have an ectopic …
Medical tests
… lymph node is the first node in a group of nodes in the body where cancer cells may move to after they have left the … site. The dye or tracer makes a map pattern of lymphatic fluid. The map can show where the cancer is likely to spread … and how soon to do it. If you take a medicine that prevents blood clots, your doctor may tell you to stop taking it …
Health topics
… or a chest CT scan . Other tests your doctor may do include blood tests to look for infection, a test to find bacteria … you cough up mucus. In postural drainage, you move your body into different positions to help drain fluid from the lungs. This helps to ease breathing and …