4650 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… illnesses more likely and more severe. Sweat is the body’s way of cooling down. Infants can’t sweat, which means … or very pale skin Not urinating or very little urinating Body temperature above 39°C (102°F) Symptoms of mild to … Speak to a health care provider before offering your child fluid replacement products like Pedialyte 1 year and older …
Health topics
… drug to get the same effect. This is called tolerance. The body may also get used to the drug. This is called physical … heroin use. They can include: Bacterial infections of the blood vessels and heart valves. Liver or kidney disease. … and other diseases, if using shared injection equipment or fluids. Heroin can be detected in the urine for up to 24 …
Health topics
… . Prevent dehydration. Encourage your child to drink extra fluids or suck on flavoured ice pops, such as Popsicles. Let … extra pillows under the upper half of an older child's body, or raise the head of the bed by putting wood blocks … extra pillows under the upper half of an older child's body, or raise the head of the bed by putting wood blocks …
Health topics
… Diets for Epilepsy On this page: Overview Overview When the body burns ( metabolizes ) fat, it creates substances called ketones . The ketogenic diet tries to force the body to use more fat for energy instead of sugar (glucose) … diet but allows for a little more flexibility in protein, fluid, and calorie amounts. The low glycemic index diet. …
Health topics
… help you control other diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, that can make kidney disease worse. This … people who have kidney disease need to limit salt (sodium), fluids, and protein. Some also have to limit potassium and … help you control other diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, that can make kidney disease worse. This …
Health topics
… Avoid those areas if possible. Cover as much of your body as possible when working or playing in grassy or wooded … ticks When you come in from outdoors, check all over your body for ticks, including your groin, head, and underarms. … the tick around its swollen belly. You could push infected fluid from the tick into your body if you squeeze it. Gently …
Medical tests
… as the uterus, ovaries, or prostate gland) or that are fluid-filled (such as the bladder) show up clearly on a … women, pelvic ultrasound may be done to: Find the cause of blood in the urine (hematuria). An ultrasound of the kidneys … digital rectal examination , prostate-specific antigen blood test, and prostate biopsy, may also be used. See if …
Health topics
… examination. Your doctor may order a chest X-ray and blood tests. This is usually enough for your doctor to know … is caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotics. Rest, fluids, and medicines to reduce fever can help you feel … cold or influenza (flu) symptoms (nasal stuffiness, mild body aches or headache, mild fever). You cough up mucus that …
Health topics
… an itchy rash and red spots or blisters (pox) all over the body. Chickenpox can cause problems for pregnant women, … shares food or drinks. You can also get it if you touch the fluid from a chickenpox blister. A person who has chickenpox … If you go to a doctor's office, ask if you need to take any precautions when you arrive to avoid spreading the …
Health topics
… at home with a combination of pain medicines, plenty of fluids, and comfort measures such as heating pads or hot … emergency medical care. Preventing pain Mild to moderate body pain and some sickle cell crises can be prevented by: … powerful oral medicine. These actions prevent a person's body from going through sudden drug withdrawal symptoms. …