4650 results found
Health topics
… can be treated the same as injuries to other parts of the body. A minor cut on the head often bleeds heavily. This is because the face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. The blood is … Symptoms of a skull fracture may include: Clear or bloody fluid draining from the ears or nose. Bruising under the …
Health topics
… It can show up in the neck area or in another part of the body, such as the lungs. Follow-up care and tests can help … do a physical examination. You may have tests, including: A blood test to check your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) … If you are vomiting or have diarrhea: Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Choose water and other clear …
Health topics
… a person infected with Zika virus who then donates cells, blood, tissue, sperm (semen) or organs. Travellers who have … Get extra rest. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water and other clear liquids until you feel … a person infected with Zika virus who then donates cells, blood, tissue, sperm (semen) or organs. Travellers who have …
Health topics
… a problem with the ear canal? This includes problems like fluid in the ear after swimming. Yes Ear canal problem No … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …
Health topics
… right before their periods because their bodies retain fluid. Pregnancy. Weakened abdominal muscles caused by … right before their periods because their bodies retain fluid. Pregnancy. Weakened abdominal muscles caused by …
Health topics
… uterine wall. As shown below, by about four weeks, major body systems are starting to develop. Time Events 4 weeks … are forming. The fetus can now move in the amniotic fluid, but you can’t feel it. Your healthcare provider may …
Health topics
… what they did not do. 4. From the signals you get from your body and emotions Stressful situations can trigger common … signs of stress are actually healthy and prepare the body for action, rather than unhealthy feelings that …
Health topics
… sport-related injuries are from impact, overuse, or poor body mechanics. But there are things you can do to reduce … attention to pain and fatigue. Pain and tiredness are the body's way of saying "slow down, recover, and heal." Sore … When your child is active and not drinking enough fluids, dehydration is a risk. The muscles get tired …
Medical tests
… to check for bacteria, yeast, trichomoniasis, and white blood cells. Why It Is Done A vaginal wet mount is done to … to see the inside of the vagina and the cervix . Samples of fluid inside the vagina are taken with a swab. The sample is … trichomoniasis, or clue cells are found on the slide. White blood cells are not present or very low in number. Abnormal: …
Health topics
… purpura (ITP) . Are taking a medicine (called a blood thinner) that prevents blood clots. Have had many belly surgeries. Scar tissue may … penis. This could affect your ability to father children. Fluid (seromas) or blood (hematomas) in the scrotum, the …