4652 results found
Health topics
… functional ovarian cysts? A functional ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms on an ovary . A sac normally … up after the egg is released, the sac can swell up with fluid. During the normal monthly menstrual cycle, one of two … the ovary doesn't release an egg and the sac swells up with fluid. A luteal cyst. This type occurs when the sac releases …
Health topics
… of the coronary artery to open the artery and improve blood flow. Drug-eluting stents are used more often than … with your doctor about whether you can and want to take blood-thinning medicines for at least 1 year. How stents are … taking your medicines, and not smoking. There are a few precautions to follow. Aspirin and other antiplatelet …
Health topics
… problem with a finger, hand, or wrist. Most of the time our body movements don't cause problems. But sometimes symptoms … These are small sacs (cysts) filled with clear, jelly-like fluid. They often appear as bumps on the hands and wrists. … feeling in the hands is common because of decreased blood flow to the hands or damage to nerves of the hand . …
Medical tests
… Overview An autopsy is a thorough medical examination of a body after death. It may be done to learn about a disease or … pathologist . This type of doctor is an expert in examining body tissues and fluids. Family members may ask for an autopsy to be done …
Health topics
… the stool gets to the rectum, you can't pass it out of your body easily. And those problems can be caused by: Diet, … enough fruits, vegetables, and fibre. Not drinking enough fluids. Or drinking too much coffee or alcohol, which can … it softer and easier to pass. Drinking more water. Your body needs water to be able to pass stool. Laxatives. Some …
Health topics
… their breastfeeding routine as a reminder to drink enough fluids. Here's a brief description of some common positions … you - tummy to tummy. A pillow can help keep your baby's body close to your breast. This position is useful when you … with your thumb and index finger behind his ears and his body with your arm. Your breast is supported with your other …
Health topics
… fitness Aerobic fitness means increasing how well your body uses oxygen. Look for activities that make your heart … arms, legs, back, chest, and core. Do exercises using your body weight , like push-ups and leg lifts. Use stretchable … fitness Aerobic fitness means increasing how well your body uses oxygen. Look for activities that make your heart …
Health topics
… These may include: Watery diarrhea (which may contain blood or pus). Swelling, cramps, pain, or tenderness in the … If you have severe diarrhea, you also may be given fluids to prevent dehydration and to make sure you have the right amount of minerals (electrolytes) in your blood. Or you will be given medicine to control diarrhea. A …
HealthLinkBC files
… in amount and/or colour (often whitish-yellow, frothy) fluid from the vagina Itching, burning, redness and/or … It takes time for the infection to clear from the body, so it is important that you do not have any oral, … all of the medication, the infection could stay in your body or may be passed back to you or your partner(s) and …
Health topics
… hip works. It's the largest ball-and-socket joint in the body. The thigh bone (femur) fits tightly into a cup-shaped … and spine; tendons; ligaments; and a joint capsule. Several fluid-filled sacs (bursae) cushion and lubricate the hip … sooner. Medicines you take . Certain medicines, such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), medicines that suppress the …