4652 results found
Medical tests
… pictures of structures more clearly. The dye may help show blood flow, look for some types of tumours, and show areas … Look for the cause of headaches. Help diagnose a stroke or blood vessel problems in the head. Problems with blood … blood vessels (AV malformations), abnormal pockets of fluid, blockage in the flow of blood, or bulges in the blood …
Healthy eating
… starting supplements. Work towards or stay at a healthy body size. Overweight and obesity increases the risk for … diet and active lifestyle can help you have a healthy body, which is important for reducing cancer risk. Be active … addition, physical activity can help you maintain a healthy body and provide other health benefits. Include at least 30 …
Health topics
… tissue is trapped inside the hernia and is cut off from its blood supply. FAQs What is an umbilical hernia? An umbilical … The hernia has a sac that may hold some intestine, fat, or fluid. These tissues may bulge through an opening or a weak … You may have an epidural, which is medicine that numbs your body below the point of the injection. You may remain awake …
Health topics
… symptoms may include: Fever. Runny nose. Sneezing. Cough. Body and muscle aches. Severe symptoms may include: Wheezing … treated in the hospital. This may include getting oxygen, fluids through a vein (IV), and help breathing. How can you … symptoms may include: Fever. Runny nose. Sneezing. Cough. Body and muscle aches. Severe symptoms may include: Wheezing …
Health topics
… side. The right side of your heart receives oxygen-poor blood from your veins and pumps it to your lungs, where it … dioxide. The left side of your heart receives oxygen-rich blood from your lungs and pumps it through your arteries to the rest of your body. Your heart has four separate chambers that pump blood, …
Health topics
… example, a needle puncture may be used by a doctor to draw blood or to put fluid or medicines into a vein ( intravenous, or IV ). … The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, …
Health topics
… cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or the stem cells can come from … cells are in your bone marrow . You also have some in your blood that circulate from your bone marrow. Bone marrow stem … blood cells , white blood cells , or platelets to help your body stay healthy. If your bone marrow is attacked by a …
Health topics
… hip works. It's the largest ball-and-socket joint in the body. The thigh bone (femur) fits tightly into a cup-shaped … and spine; tendons; ligaments; and a joint capsule. Several fluid-filled sacs (bursae) cushion and lubricate the hip … disorder of the head of the femur. It's caused by decreased blood flow to this area. An inward twisting of the thigh …
Health topics
… who have weak immune systems, the bacteria can infect the bloodstream, causing a severe and life-threatening illness. Symptoms include fever and chills, decreased blood pressure (septic shock), and blistering skin wounds. … may be used. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water and other clear liquids until you feel …
Health topics
… vision, or awareness. It may cause a person's entire body to shake for a few seconds to a few minutes, and they … seizure. Try to position the person on their side so that fluid can leak out of the mouth. Do not force anything, … having the seizure. Try to remember: How the person's body moved. How long the seizure lasted. How the person …