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4652 results found
Health topics
… dehydration, headache, muscle cramping, and changes in blood pressure and pulse rate may occur. Symptoms typically … become ill from eating the same things. A stool culture and blood tests may be done if your symptoms are severe or to … recommends them. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Choose water and other clear liquids until you feel …
Health topics
… organs may be distributed to one or more people, based on blood and tissue type, the severity of the recipient's … involve your family. Organ donation will not disfigure your body, nor will it interfere with your funeral, including … tubes to be used if you are no longer able to take food or fluids by mouth. This is known as artificial hydration and …
Medical tests
… particle (ion) that contains the mineral phosphorus. The body needs phosphorus to build and repair bones and teeth, … not get toilet paper, pubic hair, stool (feces), menstrual blood, or anything else in your urine sample. How It Feels … Severe malnutrition. Calcium (Ca) in Blood Test Medical Tests: Questions to Ask the Doctor …
Health topics
… can: Lower your risk of dying of heart disease. Lower your blood pressure. Improve your cholesterol levels. Help you … Your heart is a muscle. And like other muscles in your body, your heart will respond to exercise. Your heart muscle has fibres that allow it to contract and pump blood. When you increase your heart rate during aerobic …
Health topics
… (urinary catheter). And you will probably be getting fluids through a tube in your vein called an IV. You may … have stockings that put pressure on your legs to prevent blood clots. Your nurse may also give you medicines and … after surgery, you'll probably take medicine to prevent blood clots. For several months, you may need the help of a …
Health topics
… as often as your doctor tells you, to keep it clear of blood and prevent clotting. If it ends in more than one line … of the needle or cannula so that it is below the surface of fluid in the bottle. Pull back the plunger to fill the … as often as your doctor tells you, to keep it clear of blood and prevent clotting. If it ends in more than one line …
Health topics
… be sure of the diagnosis is by checking for botulism in the blood or stool. The test results take several days to … tests that may be done include a brain scan and a spinal fluid examination. How is botulism treated? If diagnosed … be sure of the diagnosis is by checking for botulism in the blood or stool. The test results take several days to …
Health topics
… your symptoms and any recent travel. The doctor may order a blood test to confirm that you have chikungunya fever. How … (Aleve), usually help. Get extra rest. Drink plenty of fluids. If your pain is very bad, your doctor may prescribe … your symptoms and any recent travel. The doctor may order a blood test to confirm that you have chikungunya fever. How …
HealthLinkBC files
… vomiting shortness of breath If the disease gets worse, fluid builds up in your lungs, making it harder to breathe. … or their droppings before becoming ill. You should take precautions even if you do not see the deer mice or their …
Health topics
… can be very tired during the day. The oxygen levels in your blood may go down, and carbon dioxide levels go up. It may … may make grunting, gasping, or snorting sounds and restless body movements. As breathing resumes, loud snoring starts. … stockings during the day. This may prevent a buildup of fluid and swelling of the tissues in the nose and throat at …