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Health topics
… out if you've been around infected ticks. You may have a blood test to see if you have certain antibodies in your blood. How is Lyme disease treated? Lyme disease is treated … away from those areas if possible. Cover as much of your body as possible when you work or play in grassy or wooded …
Health topics
… the risk of spreading the infection to other parts of your body. Antibiotics may help you feel better faster. Taking an … toothbrushes or eating and drinking utensils. Keep up your body's resistance to infection. Eat a good diet, get plenty … waiting for the strep infection to go away. Drink plenty of fluids and increase humidity (moisture in the air) in your …
Health topics
… muscle simply cannot relax properly. This means that less blood can enter the chambers and less blood is circulated to the body. Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Portions of …
Health topics
… develop problems with different organs and systems of the body. These include problems with: The blood. There may be changes in the blood cells, anemia, and changes to organs related to …
Health topics
… caused by other medical problems or medicines. It prevents blood from clotting properly. It is rarer than the inherited … stenosis. Use of a cardiac device that helps the heart pump blood, called a ventricular assist device . Rarely, acquired … von Willebrand disease includes medicines that help your body have enough von Willebrand clotting factor in the …
Health topics
… Symptoms The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, … Alertness Cuts Dehydration Diabetes-Related High and Low Blood Sugar Levels Fever Seizures Fish Hook Injuries Head … Age 3 and Younger Dehydration Diabetes-Related High and Low Blood Sugar Levels Dizziness: Light-Headedness and Vertigo …
Health topics
… do it to help find the reason for a urinary infection or blood in your urine. Your doctor puts a thin scope with very … that carries urine from your bladder to the outside of your body. Then the doctor moves the scope through your urethra … a day. Drinking a lot of water can help. You may have some blood in your urine for 2 or 3 days. Your doctor may …
Health topics
… a lack of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) prevents the body from producing enough cortisol . Production of cortisol … Sheehan's syndrome is sometimes caused by severe blood loss after giving birth. What are the symptoms? With … suspects adrenal insufficiency, the doctor will check your blood cortisol and ACTH levels. You may have imaging tests …
Health topics
… is a virus that attacks the immune system. This is the body's natural defence system. A child can become infected … is exposed to the virus. The virus destroys certain white blood cells. If too many are destroyed, the body has trouble … to the virus. How is HIV diagnosed? HIV is diagnosed with blood tests. If the virus is found, the test is positive. If …
HealthLinkBC files
… the intestinal tract. Very rarely, it can also infect the blood stream. When a person gets sick from this infection it … treatment. Symptoms may include: Mild to severe diarrhea Bloody diarrhea Nausea Stomach pain Fever Vomiting Symptoms … necessary. People with Campylobacter are advised to drink fluids to prevent dehydration from diarrhea. Image … …