4652 results found
Health topics
… as it should. The mitral valve opens and closes to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. If … it's called mitral valve stenosis. In both of these cases, blood doesn't flow through the heart the right way. You will … adds oxygen to your blood and moves the blood through your body. This machine will allow the doctor to stop your …
Health topics
… as a straight line or a circle. Injuries to areas of the body that usually are protected, such as the inside of the … or using the toilet. Genital or anal pain or discharge. Blood in their underwear. Headaches. Belly pain or … the doctor may take skin or hair samples or samples of fluids in or around the vagina to be tested. Lumbar …
Health topics
… tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, or syphilis. As damage reduces blood supply in the septum, the cartilage begins to die, and … pain, and a whistling sound when you inhale. If dried blood or scabs build up, you could also have trouble … tissue from inside your nose or from another part of your body (autograft) to stitch into the hole. Other doctors may …
Health topics
… South Asian descent. You have prediabetes . This means your blood sugar is above normal but is not high enough to be diabetes. You have high blood pressure . You have high cholesterol or other fats in … nigricans . You have schizophrenia . Body Mass Index (BMI) Health Screening: Finding Health …
Health topics
… back. Eye symptoms such as inflammation of the iris and blood vessels (uveitis), and inflammation of the white part … with ulcerative colitis develop mouth ulcers. Problems with blood clots in the legs or other areas of the body. Liver problems, including chronic hepatitis and …
Medical tests
… system causes the heart muscle to contract. This pumps blood through the heart to the lungs and the rest of the body. Why It Is Done An EKG is done to: Check the heart's … diseases or conditions are present. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking, …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Many medicines change how well your body can stay cool. They include: Some antidepressants. Antihistamines. Some blood pressure medicines. Some sedative medicines. Thyroid … They include: Some antidepressants. Antihistamines. Some blood pressure medicines. Some sedative medicines. Thyroid …
Health topics
… harm the brain. They can also damage the liver, kidneys, blood, and bone marrow. Club drugs , like ecstasy (MDMA) and … hepatitis and HIV if you use shared injection equipment and fluids, and lead to overdose. Anabolic steroids , which people use to build muscle tissue and decrease body fat. Steroids can cause liver cancer and increase the …
HealthLinkBC files
… diseases. These people do not need to take extra precautions with their drinking water. Ask your doctor or … your immune system is, and whether you need to take extra precautions. How can drinking water become contaminated? … doctor or nurse practitioner and may need to take extra precautions with their drinking water. Boiling: If your …
Health topics
… for a few minutes and think about how you feel. If your body feels okay and you think you can get up safely, follow … in the same direction. Lie still for a moment to let your blood pressure adjust. Slowly push your upper body up, lift … in the same direction. Lie still for a moment to let your blood pressure adjust. Slowly push your upper body up, lift …