4652 results found
Health topics
… to limit what you eat and drink? Anything you put in your body can be passed to your baby in breast milk. If you are … Soon after your baby is born, breastfeeding helps your body recover from the stresses of pregnancy, labour, and … relaxation techniques, eat properly, and drink plenty of fluids. And try to breastfeed in comfortable, quiet, and …
Health topics
… allergic to ( allergens ) under your skin. This helps your body "get used to" the allergen, which can result in fewer … body reactions, such as hives , asthma symptoms, and low blood pressure , are not common. Because of the possibility … body reactions, such as hives , asthma symptoms, and low blood pressure , are not common. Because of the possibility …
Health topics
… diagnosed? Your doctor can find a molar pregnancy with: A blood test to measure your pregnancy hormones. A pelvic … molar pregnancy. After treatment, you will have regular blood tests to look for signs of trophoblastic disease . … the cancer has had time to spread to other parts of the body, more chemotherapy is needed, sometimes combined with …
Health topics
… make lifestyle changes that will help keep your heart and body healthy. These changes might include being more active … small meals. Have swelling in your arm or leg where blood vessels were removed. You have incisions there as well as missing blood vessels that your surgeon used to bypass your coronary …
Health topics
… without discomfort or pain. They supply oxygen to your bloodstream to keep the rest of your body healthy. When your lungs are healthy, you're more … Asthma's Impact on Your Child's Life Automated Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Barking …
Medical tests
… which boosts the sound and sends it to the inner ear. The fluid-filled, curved space of the inner ear, sometimes … organ is called the cochlea. Sound vibrations cause the fluid in the inner ear to move, which bends tiny hair cells … which boosts the sound and sends it to the inner ear. The fluid-filled, curved space of the inner ear, sometimes …
Health topics
… manage your feelings and actions. Anger Anger signals your body to prepare for a fight. This reaction is often called … angry, adrenaline and other hormones are released into the bloodstream. Then your blood pressure goes up, your heart beats faster, and you …
Health topics
… immune system attacks the glands that make moisture for the body, such as tears and saliva . The damage keeps the glands … want to do tests that measure tear flow and saliva. Your blood may also be checked for antibodies. How is Sjögren's … want to do tests that measure tear flow and saliva. Your blood may also be checked for antibodies. How is Sjögren's …
Health topics
… 9, 2024 Overview Nutrients are found in food and help your body work as it should. Learn about carbohydrates, fats, … Sodium Read about sodium, how too much can lead to high blood pressure and ways to lower your intake: Food sources …