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3941 results found
Health topics
… Your doctor can check your overall health and recommend testing as needed. These health problems include: Heart … risk isn't completely understood. But cholesterol, high blood pressure, and fat around the belly—all things that … But because menopause and hormones are linked with your blood vessels' health, talk to your doctor about your risk …
Health topics
… are synthetic substances similar to the male hormone testosterone . Doctors prescribe them to treat problems such … In both men and women, anabolic steroids can cause: High blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke. Higher levels of … doctor may do a physical examination and order urine and blood tests. How is it treated? Treatment for misuse of …
Health topics
… to the treated area. Bovine collagen. You need an allergy test 4 weeks before treatment. Fat cells harvested from your … a filler injection, avoid alcohol use and stop taking any blood-thinning medicine. This includes aspirin, any other … filler injection, including anaphylactic shock , sepsis, blood clot in the retinal artery leading to blindness, skin …
Health topics
… concerns about lead exposure, talk to your doctor. A simple blood test can find out the amount of lead in your blood. Avoid fish high in mercury. Limit high-mercury fish …
… "belly button" (navel). Ospemifene may rarely cause serious blood clots to form in the legs or lungs. Tell your doctor if you have a history of blood clots (such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary … examination, breast and pelvic examination, and PAP test (for vaginal cancer) as directed by your doctor, …
… Irinotecan liposomal has caused a serious decrease in white blood cells (neutropenia). Low white blood cells can make you more likely to get serious … should not receive this medication if you have stomach/intestinal blockage. Tell your doctor right away if you have …
… is used to treat a high level of potassium in your blood. Too much potassium in your blood can sometimes cause heart rhythm problems. Sodium … This medication may cause serious (rarely fatal) intestinal problems (such as bleeding, blockage). Get medical …
… for proper monitoring. If your level of sodium in the blood is raised too quickly, it may cause a serious (even … is used to treat low levels of salt (sodium) in the blood, which can result from conditions such as heart … may have increased risk of bleeding from the stomach or intestines while taking this medication. Tell your doctor …
… details. Uses This medication is used to treat a certain blood disorder (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria). This disorder can cause a decrease in red blood cells (anemia). This medication helps to block the … provincial poison control center. Notes Lab and/or medical tests (such as LDH levels, kidney function, complete blood
… is used to treat a high level of potassium in your blood. Too much potassium in your blood can sometimes cause heart rhythm problems. Sodium … This medication may cause serious (rarely fatal) intestinal problems (such as bleeding, blockage). Get medical …